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Thread: Nobel has "Jumped the Shark"

  1. #1
    Old Texan
    Picking Al Gore substantiates the Nobel has lost any real value. Choosing Al G as the Peace Prize winner ranks right up there with People Magazine's "Sexiest Man of the Year".

  2. #2
    Unfortunately, the Nobel Peace Prize has turned into a left wing political instrument. You are correct in the fact that it no longer holds the value it once did.
    Jimmy Carter...Yasser Arrafat...Kofi Annan and now Owlgore.
    What a shame...

  3. #3
    ULTRA26 # 1
    Picking Al Gore substantiates the Nobel has lost any real value. Choosing Al G as the Peace Prize winner ranks right up there with People Magazine's "Sexiest Man of the Year".
    An American wins the Nobel prize for the first time in many years and you have nothing better to do than to make fun this, due to your narrow minded politics.
    You make me sick.

  4. #4
    An American wins the Nobel prize for the first time in many years and you have nothing better to do than to make fun this, due to your narrow minded politics.
    You make me sick.
    Give me a break. What do Al Gore's Movie and his playing Chicken Little have to do with world peace? What war is he preventing and what violent conflicts is he helping to resolve? If he won a Nobel prize for something related to environmentalism, I would disagree, but it would at least make some type of sense, at some level. Giving him the Nobel Peace Prize makes absolutly no sense at all on any level.

  5. #5
    ULTRA26 # 1
    Give me a break. What do Al Gore's Movie and his playing Chicken Little have to do with world peace? What war is he preventing and what violent conflicts is he helping to resolve? If he won a Nobel prize for something related to environmentalism, I would disagree, but it would at least make some type of sense, at some level. Giving him the Nobel Peace Prize makes absolutly no sense at all on any level.
    ES your response surprised me.

  6. #6
    An American wins the Nobel prize for the first time in many years
    What are you talking about? Americians cleaned up at the Nobel prizes just last year by taking more than half of the catigories. And he is only one of 3 Americians to earn them this year (the others were in Physiology and Medicine).

  7. #7
    ES your response surprised me.
    What has he done to promote world peace???
    Since there is no Nobel Prize for environmental activism, I really don't see how he qualifies to get a Nobel Prize at all. His work simply does not fit into any of their catigories, even if one was to conclued that it is great.

  8. #8
    What an embarrassment.
    If AlGoreithm is the standard now set to achieve 'nobelity', I'm afraid there are more misinformed illogical people out there than I thought.
    Incidentally, did anyone see or hear him speaking regarding the 'Clinton Global Initiative' the other day? I'm paraphrasing here but something along the lines of "If we don't take measures to curb climate change NOW, it will be too late. It may take MILLIONS of years to reverse what's been done."
    What the hell! This guy has his head SOOO far up his evolved ass, he thinks he knows the future? What audacity.
    People have a hard enough time orienting themselves accurately to a thousand years of history let alone millons into the future. Just like GW is caused by humans is untrue, so to is putting estimates in terms of "millions" of years with regard to anything on this planet. There's no provable evidence for it to be true using any HONEST, standard system of science or perception.
    Just last night I heard some report of how our moon possibly came to be....get asteroid crashes into earth some "millions" of years ago, sending up an enormous dust cloud into and beyond the atmosphere eventually forming the moon. If you believe THAT, you'll believe just about anything hence Mr. AlGoreithm.
    I would submit it takes MORE faith to believe in the certainty of global warming than it does to believe in the existence of a universal creator.

  9. #9
    ES, the Nobel commetee has awarded this to other non-peace people or issues. Very few stars in the world these days in the field of promoting peace.
    Gore shares this award with the U.N. climate panel, as you no doubt know.
    The prize goes to:
    for their efforts to create economic and social development from below.
    The prize was awarded to:
    for her efforts for democracy and human rights
    The prize was awarded to:
    KOFI ANNAN, United Nations Secretary General
    The prize was awarded to:
    All of the examples above could be much more easily related to promoting world peace than VP Gore's "chicken little" crusade.
    Jody Williams won one for her work on the world wide banning of land mines back in 1997.
    We do great in all Nobel Prize catigories. The USA is only one nation, we can't win all the catigories all the time. We don't need one for Al Gore and his silly movie.
    If Al Gore and the UN climate pannel was the best effort in promoting peace in the world this year, then we would most likely be in the middle of a nucular holocaust right now (if you will allow me bit of hyperbole). All over the world there are heads of state and people working in every nations State departments (or their nation's equvilant) on the actual work of diplomacy and promoting peace. This is a slap in the face (or at least a snub) to all of them.

  10. #10
    ULTRA26 # 1
    Someome who doesn't share your political veiws wins the Nobel prize and now the prize no longer has any value. I'm done discussing this one. You guys have fun.

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