SYA..."Don't start?" It was "started when you jumped over to the east coast forum and insulted wives, girlfriends, daughters.....sure you apologized - and then continued on with yet another insult when feathers were ruffled over here. I don't see any east coasters here popping over to other regional forums and hurdling insults
We "suthenahs" may not have as much silicone as you west coasters (some of us don't need it ) but we do have manners and consideration
Yeah, you know, Really, you would not last at OUR sandbar,SYA, folks on our side of the continent don't take too kindly to insults thrown our way,
our women are more beautiful than most you have out there.
They are mostly just more modest and have a little more virtue than the pics. I have seen from the west coast, and we prefer it that way.
My woman in my eyes is more beautiful than any woman I have ever seen,
because I love her and we made a commitment to each other.
so this Bud is for you, SHAKEYOAZZ.
Thanks for the kind words,
Just in case your wondering, yes, you have pissed me off.