Last week I reported on an article which stated one idea to control the "Channel" was to charge a fee and most of you didn't seem to like it very much and I can't say I blame you. Sundays News Herald has another story now and I would have had it in then but the site was down I guess so here'e what is the general story line, the powers that be want to start implementing small steps of control. 1. restrict by 27% the numbers of water craft in the channel by signs and officer contact (not sure what this means) 2.restrict or close the channel after a certain level of watercraft is reached. 3. and this one takes the cake for stupidity, issue permits to moor in the channel daily or for the weekend and if cited for unacceptable behavoir your permit is revoked, included is nudity and pasties and the final recommendation addresses alcohol consumption and where the city limits are in relation to the water, specifically Rotary Beach and the London Bridge Beach.
Like I said to reply to all of the Naysayers and people in the know that stated they couldnt do these sorts of things, "Where theres smoke, theres fire" Remember the deal on mufflers caused by the illegal actions of the Marina and now it's a big deal. There will be a work session this Tuesday at 6 pm at the police facility to further discuss the problems in "The Channel" and I'm going to attend this one so anybody else feel free to join me.
I think most of us agree that changes need to be made in regards to "The Channel" but # 3 is over the top. NSF