Okay So before we even go..Mrs.Racer277 tells us to stop by Team Integra and say hi to Eddie (Unforgiven) when we are there. So we get there and the first thing we do is just that. We get to their pit and there are a bunch of guys workin on the car. We ask for him and he gets out of the car. We introduce ourselves (he's looking confused ,goes along with it at first). Then it was awesome. They treated us like family! Eddie, Tom, Ben, EVERYONE you're awesome. He tells us to come back by later and have some food and drinks. So we went off and watched the qualifying. Those freakin cars are FAST!!!!!!. I loved it! Here are some pics. BTW ofcourse we went back to Team Integra to chill with the dudes. And Eddie gave me a Team Integra tank top. :rollside:
Here's Tom...What a NICE guy!!
Getting the car ready
NITRO smells VERY yummy..
But it has a wierd side effect...MAKES YOUR DAMN EYES WATER and BURN!!!!
Here they are smokin the tires. Awesome car!!