Incedentally buddy boy, we are in Iraq, killing terrorists (read that as "CRIMINALS, MURDERERS, etc" from about 6 nations, all in 1 tidy little place because of 2 things.
1.--- Saddam Hussein started a war by invasion, was thrown out, and (over 12 years) defied (read that as "did not comply") with 17 UN resolutions (read that as "instructions to maintain the "cease-fire"), the refusal to comply with any 1 of which could (and should) have gotten his little country invaded. The previous president of the US was to farkin scared to take a stand (the only stand he took was denying he ever had sex with Monica Lewinski (a bald-faced lie)) and take care of business.
2.--- Operatives working for Usama BinLaden nad Al-Queda killed nearly 3,000 people in NYC, also the USS Cole deaths, the Madrid bombings, the London bombings last month, have butcher-shopped off innoscent civilian's heads in Faluja (for a ratings tape series I guess). HE (and militant islamic faccism started this war, at least they started it when we had a president in the house who has the guts to finish it.
Ask any mil comander, where do you fight a war, on your soil or on the enemy's? NEVER do you want to fight one at home, never.
Try whipping out the "we are there for oil" thing Blown, just try. You better explain it real well why we are still PAYING $$$$$ for the oil so many idiots think we invaded just to take.