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Thread: Enviro-mental Rats killed New Orleans Poor

  1. #11
    Hey Steve1, since Katrina kicked your guy's buts first, where was the mess, FEMA screw-ups, DAYS of no-help/food/water, raping, killing, theivery that MUST have gone on? I mean, did the Presidecy change before it hit N.O.? Did I miss an election?
    Or was it that YOU actually had competent, capable, skilled, local and state leadership that could have good plans in place, make inteligent decisions without days of delay, make inteligent use of resources to try to protect and support EVERYONE in a crisis, so the state could survive on it's own untill such time as the Feds could get suplies and manpower brought in to assist? Hmmm That might take 3 or 4 days ... sounds impossible. I KNOW there must have been a smarter president in charge the week BEFORE N.O. got hammered.
    Serious note gearshift here, so as not to loose the libkers (Lib-lurkers).
    Steve, hope you and yours got through it without major losses.

  2. #12
    Oh, this may be a bit off-topic, but I heard from a relative of a member of the LANG today on the way home. Curious, turns out The Governor appears to be a controll freak too.
    Their son was activated and was oner of the few hundred put in the Superdome Sat eve, before the storm hit. To this day, they are still on State Active Duty since teh Governor (Blasco) has refused to turn them over to the Feds. No biggie you think, but ( and I know this to be true im Ks here, I've experienced it). The State does NOT pay what the feds do. An activated Giuardsman, FEDERALLY controlled, recieves pay based on active duty wages comensurate to rank and time in service. For a 16+ year E-6, that is about $2500 a 2-week pay period, arround $200 a day (after taxes). For a STATE activated guardsman, drop a zero off that. It is only about $20+ a DAY. Kansas here is I believe about $32 (been a few years and promotions since I drew it.
    Sure shows concern for her troops, paying them out of her coffers at .10 on the $1 just so SHE can order them arround.

  3. #13
    Steve 1
    Hmmmmm Comparing membership dates and post counnts, I can see what a horrid post-hor that Steve1 is compared to Blown. Hey Steve, how is it you aparently disguise your post-horing to where you are about 10,000 posts BEHIND blown while he's been here just about 2x as long. Neat techie trick Steve. Most folks would think you post about 600 post a year while Blown posts over 5,000.
    LMAO evidently Ole Bent 472 Has made himself a genuine 100% ***boat “Preferred Poster” Actually I am Quite amazed he/she is still around after some of the flame-jobs done on his a$$ Boat people are traditionally conservatives and dislike the pissant anti American communist/anarchists like bent the anti Starbuck trash-can throwing rioters they got some real southern hospitality when they tried that crap in Miami LOL
    His post count is easy when the bent standard reply is no more than a couple cloaked cuss words!

  4. #14
    Steve 1
    Hey Steve1, since Katrina kicked your guy's buts first, where was the mess, FEMA screw-ups, DAYS of no-help/food/water, raping, killing, theivery that MUST have gone on? I mean, did the Presidecy change before it hit N.O.? Did I miss an election?
    Or was it that YOU actually had competent, capable, skilled, local and state leadership that could have good plans in place, make inteligent decisions without days of delay, make inteligent use of resources to try to protect and support EVERYONE in a crisis, so the state could survive on it's own untill such time as the Feds could get suplies and manpower brought in to assist? Hmmm That might take 3 or 4 days ... sounds impossible. I KNOW there must have been a smarter president in charge the week BEFORE N.O. got hammered.
    Serious note gearshift here, so as not to loose the libkers (Lib-lurkers).
    Steve, hope you and yours got through it without major losses.
    I have been thru these storms all my life and my Dad taught me as a small boy to be prepared well as when the storm hits any weakness in board up will show instantly when you feel the structure tighten up under the wind loading causes one to think about what you did right and downside are worried about ..If we get a watch that is it emergency power is tested 30 days of water and food are stocked. If the warning comes we bolt the place down... and relax
    Our government officials here like us are veterans of these storms Andrew was nasty one guy measured the wind at 177 MPH The family lost one house in it my mother grabbed my niece and dove into the bathroom when the place came down around her. That was a section where Wood frame was used (Country Walk) my place lost a screen enclosure is all...

  5. #15
    Ya know, the WORST thing (in my opinion) is that, Ok, say for the sake of discussion, she didn't want FEDERAL ADVICE OR HELP (just $$$$). There are 7 or 8 other states in the area (not just way-over-experienced Florida) that she could ask governors of for advice. All the way from N Carolina S. to Fla and then over to Texas.
    'Course, Texas is no good because the President used to be Governor thereand Florida is no good as the hated. evil president's BROTHER in governor there. Best just to not call anyone and not look like she's ignorant but willing to learn. Best to stonewall and then fark it up when push comes to having no shove to shove back with.
    Glad you've had relatively uninteresting adventures there Steve1. Best luck to ya in the future.

  6. #16
    Steve 1
    Ya know, the WORST thing (in my opinion) is that, Ok, say for the sake of discussion, she didn't want FEDERAL ADVICE OR HELP (just $$$$). There are 7 or 8 other states in the area (not just way-over-experienced Florida) that she could ask governors of for advice. All the way from N Carolina S. to Fla and then over to Texas.
    'Course, Texas is no good because the President used to be Governor thereand Florida is no good as the hated. evil president's BROTHER in governor there. Best just to not call anyone and not look like she's ignorant but willing to learn. Best to stonewall and then fark it up when push comes to having no shove to shove back with.
    Glad you've had relatively uninteresting adventures there Steve1. Best luck to ya in the future.
    Shame is the Egos seem to bring out the worst in mankind that goes double for RATS as they fear unemployment and the private sector worse than death the entire welfare state is suffering just a house of cards. I guess the Photo Ops are all she and the good Mayor can do...

  7. #17
    Seems the Mayor is better at those than she is. Maybe he has a promising future as the NEXT DNC Chairman after Howie Dean.

  8. #18
    Boat people are traditionally conservatives and dislike the pissant anti American communist/anarchists like bent the anti Starbuck trash-can throwing rioters they got some real southern hospitality when they tried that crap in Miami LOL
    Boat People? You mean like the Vietnamese or Haitian Refugees? I don't usuallly call boat owners "boat people", but whatever floats yours. In the meantime, I would add that simply saying it doesn't make it true. And it's not. Just because you surround yourself with conservative "boat people" doesn't mean liberal boat owners, libertarian boat owners, centrist boat owners etc. don't exist and exceed the number of "traditionally conservative boat people". But you go ahead and say it's so if it makes you sleep better.
    And I can say right now that you definitely exceed my "post count" by about 2000 to 1 per year. Directly proportional to the fact that I have a life compared to yours.

  9. #19
    Steve 1
    Irreverent Whack job alert!!!!!!!!

  10. #20
    Blown 472
    LMAO evidently Ole Bent 472 Has made himself a genuine 100% ***boat “Preferred Poster” Actually I am Quite amazed he/she is still around after some of the flame-jobs done on his a$$ Boat people are traditionally conservatives and dislike the pissant anti American communist/anarchists like bent the anti Starbuck trash-can throwing rioters they got some real southern hospitality when they tried that crap in Miami LOL
    His post count is easy when the bent standard reply is no more than a couple cloaked cuss words!
    Duh, what??? anti american becuase I question the motives of the gubment? if that is what it is color me it. :rollside:

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