For the record: My dad lurks the boards, he even has a name.
For around 2 years he thought Kim Hanson was a girl, until he brought it up one day "Why do you pick on that girl so much?" and I let him know the truth and that is, Kim Hanson is a boy.
Also, I have a knot on my ankle the size of a tennis ball. Slipping out of a E250 and landing on the side of your foot hurts, dont try it.
Off to put the ice on my foot, I will be back later. By then, Kim should have a twelve pack of molson and a young boy under his belt.
Also, I have a knot on my ankle the size of a tennis ball. Slipping out of a E250 and landing on the side of your foot hurts, dont try it.
I heard that KY Jelly is some slippery shiat Donald, you proved it.
Off to put the ice on my foot, I will be back later. By then, Kim should have a twelve pack of molson and a young boy under his belt.
Walk it off you pussy assed biatch, you sound like a women Donald! Molson is used to clean out toilets Donald and I don't wear belts :idea: You don't need them when you are fit shait head..........( . )( . ).......... :idea: