Did Weight Loss Lead to Sex Addiction?
Did you recently lose a dramatic amount of weight and become promiscuous as a result? Do you find yourself "testing out" your skinny new body with multiple men? Is the suddenly new you hooking up with men on the internet? Are you finding yourself craving sex and going out to get it - even with strangers? Has the unexpected attention from guys caused you to start sleeping around? Are you now thin and leading a wild, sexy lifestyle? Did you give up on sex because you were so obese, but now after gastric bypass surgery find yourself having sex all of the time? Has your dependence on sex caused you to do dangerous things?
If your sudden weight loss has caused you to become addicted to sex, The Oprah Winfrey Show is looking for you. We'd like to talk to you about your sudden out-of-control sexual behavior. If you you've become promiscuous because you've lost a significant amount of weight please e-mail us your story. Please only send your story if you're willing to share it on national television.