I guess we're one step closer to "cradle to grave" handouts from the government. Since Hilary and the federal gubment couldn't get socialized medicine implemented, the states have taken up the cause. Assachusetts already has a law making it mandatory for employers to provide healthcare for employees. (Are we still in America?) Now Arnie the Governator wants to make sure everyone in Kalifonia has health care (including wetbacks) too and Oregon is saying it's "criminal" that any child under 19 can go without health insurance in today's world. In other words, they will be hot on Arnie's heels in putting some sort of socialized medicine in place.
The justification for this is that "millions" are currently without health insurance. Excuse me, but whose fault exactly is that? Is it GW Bush, who stole money out of poor people's pockets to give Haliburton a tax cut? Hardly. The problem was made vividly clear to me yesterday as I drove past a run down mobile home park. Row after row of dilapidated trailers and beat up cars made it clear that this was where the poorest of the poor lived. I thought to myself that these must be the types of people who cannot afford health insurance. Then I noticed another peculiar thing; almost EVERY ONE of those trailers had a satellite dish on it. Wait a second....you say you can't afford insurance but you're spending money on satellite TV?????
The real problem is that people don't have their priorities straight. Supposedly those who live at or below the "poverty" line are the ones who "need" health insurance because they can't "afford" it. But a study shows that out of all those in "poverty", 37% drove a car worth $20,000 or more. More than half of these people had more than one car. 77% of them had two TV's OR MORE in their home. And 54% of them owned a house worth more than $150,000. All of this came from a salary of $12,000 or less per person.
Surely someone who could afford any or all of those perks could afford healthcare. The problem is not that these people "can't" afford insurance, it's that they "won't" do the mature thing and pay for necessities first like other adults. Meanwhile, we, the responsible taxpayers, will be left once again holding the bill for all those "in need"....What a joke.