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Thread: Knowledge is power

  1. #51
    Old Texan
    We are not running out of oil or water. The "cimate" isn't changing enough to make any difference. We are not running out of natural resources, we are not running out of space. We are not running out of food, we are not running out of anything but time. It is the one thing we can not renew, or find an alternative source for. The original plan for this country worked almost flawlessly, when there were men with morals and ethics in charge.
    I see one of the first changes we need to make is the media. It goes in hand with what asch said earlier. Censorship. A certain loss of a constitutional right to try and get a handle on how the people of this country are informed. The media is unchecked and has unbelievable influence. Something as powerful needs to be controlled. Then we might just see some changes in the way people vote, or the positions they take, and the groups they support.
    What's been un-done since Roosevelt was President won't be corrected in one, two, or three generations. IMO, it started with the recognition by the communists that there were sympathetic ears to thier agenda with the Viet Nam era school kids. I'm sure there are those who will disagree, but it's pretty obvious to me that there'sa been a steady and continuous effort by mostly communist backed groups to "socialize" our country, mainly by infiltrating our school systems and creating and supporting basically anti-american groups. A small example is that behind most anti-war groups and/or demonstrations, you can, today, find communist based funding and support. The public school system has become nothing more than a liberal indoctrination system over the last 45 years. The comunists recognised a long time ago that this was the most effective way to promote their agenda, and it's been very successful. The kids that have come out of that system are now a majority of our judges, senators and congressmen/women, and are systematically desolving our constitution. (Have any of you noticed the new Dollar does not have "In God We Trust" on it) In our school system, the "media" is a liberal art. Look at how left Hollywierd has gone. Look at the bias in our news. It's blatent. Look at how far the left has gone to undo this counry's heritage. Look at how the liberal judges are ignoring the constitution, and look at how easily we, as a society, just accept it. It's what we're learning in school, (colleges are the worst offenders) and what we're seeing on the news, and it's what we hear from our "elite" in Hollywood.
    We need to control out media, and we need to get our schools back on track as learning centers, not a place for teachers to promote their own political agendas to a captive and ignorant audience. We will have a more intelligent and better informed population, capable of making better and more informed choices at the voting booth regarding almost everything from political and social awareness to the environment. This includes things like illegal immigration, global warming, and becoming oil independant.
    What's happening outside our country is unimportant as compared to what's taking place inside, and if something isn't done soon, I'm afraid it will be irreversable.
    Just my 02
    This is quite well said. There is and has been a socialist movement in this country for many years and it's very visible in our schools, media, and the growing number of "environmental groups. Not to mention the lemmings following labor unions. It has been said that the "communist" influence in this country has been concentrated into these "environmental" groups and I for one believe it.
    Hillary and Pelosi are just the recent addition to alot of Viet Nam era "subversives" that have through educational channels and working into the system, gained tremendous power and influence. Those that don't believe this inference please explain their agendas other than getting into power and instilling liberal socialist policies. The counter insurgents of the 60's and 70's are alive and well, plus they are gaining powerful influence in the government and the business sector.
    Here's a prime example of what I'm talking about. Coal generated power plants are very technically advanced and the pollution levels from thier emmissions is getting very controlled and within acceptable levels. However the media and the "greenies" will have you believe the exact opposite to be true. They feed bogus infromation to an uneducated public that coal plants are dirty nasty polluting monsters and must be done away with in favor of windmills and gerbils running on tread mills or something. This month a very liberal Democrat judge in TX rescinded the Republican Governor's proposal to fast track permits on about 8 new coal power plants in TX. The energy company TXU, owner and operator of the majority of power plants in the state warned of a lack of future electricity if these plants weren't built. TXU has done a fine job with power generation and their high stock earnings justify that, good business sense and environmental prudence through use of modern facilities. So guess what, the infamous Kohlberg, Kravis Roberts and Co of RJR Nabisco takeover fame, have put a $44 billion offer on the table to buy out TXU. Part of this buyout includes scrapping plans for the 8 coal powered plants and restricting the company from any advancement of coal technology. Libs and environmentalists are overjoyed, the intelligencia of the general public are outraged, and adequate electrical power supplies in TX are going to be a major issue in coming years.
    The movement Steelcomp talks about is real and it's strong and it could be the undoing of America.
    Just my .02

  2. #52
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I agree and will move on. Sorry if I've offended anyone.
    John M
    No need to move on John. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and view. In turn, no need for "anyone" to start getting nasty towards each other in these discussions. It's one reason the Political forum declined to a very low point without any moderation. I don't intend to let it go there again under my watch. I was not singling anyone out in my post, just a friendly hint for everyone to stick to the discussion.

  3. #53
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    This is quite well said. There is and has been a socialist movement in this country for many years and it's very visible in our schools, media, and the growing number of "environmental groups. Not to mention the lemmings following labor unions. It has been said that the "communist" influence in this country has been concentrated into these "environmental" groups and I for one believe it.
    Hillary and Pelosi are just the recent addition to alot of Viet Nam era "subversives" that have through educational channels and working into the system, gained tremendous power and influence. Those that don't believe this inference please explain their agendas other than getting into power and instilling liberal socialist policies. The counter insurgents of the 60's and 70's are alive and well, plus they are gaining powerful influence in the government and the business sector.
    Here's a prime example of what I'm talking about. Coal generated power plants are very technically advanced and the pollution levels from thier emmissions is getting very controlled and within acceptable levels. However the media and the "greenies" will have you believe the exact opposite to be true. They feed bogus infromation to an uneducated public that coal plants are dirty nasty polluting monsters and must be done away with in favor of windmills and gerbils running on tread mills or something. This month a very liberal Democrat judge in TX rescinded the Republican Governor's proposal to fast track permits on about 8 new coal power plants in TX. The energy company TXU, owner and operator of the majority of power plants in the state warned of a lack of future electricity if these plants weren't built. TXU has done a fine job with power generation and their high stock earnings justify that, good business sense and environmental prudence through use of modern facilities. So guess what, the infamous Kohlberg, Kravis Roberts and Co of RJR Nabisco takeover fame, have put a $44 billion offer on the table to buy out TXU. Part of this buyout includes scrapping plans for the 8 coal powered plants and restricting the company from any advancement of coal technology. Libs and environmentalists are overjoyed, the intelligencia of the general public are outraged, and adequate electrical power supplies in TX are going to be a major issue in coming years.
    The movement Steelcomp talks about is real and it's strong and it could be the undoing of America.
    Just my .02
    I go along with that and Steel's points as well. The country is in trouble. Problem is the change is occurring over decades of steady erosion (much from the education system as stated) so most won't notice the change.
    Not to change the subject but last night I hear on the news our military is spread too thin to respond to another intl crisis. Well duh!
    My guess is it's spread too thin to respond to a crisis here too should we be attacked by terrorists in mass at home. After all you can't fight someone with nuclear submarines in your homeland now can you? Perhaps egging the US on internationally to thin the military herd so to speak is part of the plan. After all these people are not stupid. Just a thought.
    Did I ever mention how I dislike open borders and how foolish our leaders are being by letting the situation exist in light of our known enemy's stated intentions? Perhaps our government should get it's priorities straight pretty soon.

  4. #54
    Did I ever mention how I dislike open borders and how foolish our leaders are being by letting the situation exist in light of our known enemy's stated intentions? Perhaps our government should get it's priorities straight pretty soon.
    The United States doesn't have an immigration policy. That's the freekin' problem.....

  5. #55
    ULTRA26 # 1
    We are not running out of oil or water. The "cimate" isn't changing enough to make any difference. We are not running out of natural resources, we are not running out of space. We are not running out of food, we are not running out of anything but time. It is the one thing we can not renew, or find an alternative source for. The original plan for this country worked almost flawlessly, when there were men with morals and ethics in charge.
    I see one of the first changes we need to make is the media. It goes in hand with what asch said earlier. Censorship. A certain loss of a constitutional right to try and get a handle on how the people of this country are informed. The media is unchecked and has unbelievable influence. Something as powerful needs to be controlled. Then we might just see some changes in the way people vote, or the positions they take, and the groups they support.
    What's been un-done since Roosevelt was President won't be corrected in one, two, or three generations. IMO, it started with the recognition by the communists that there were sympathetic ears to thier agenda with the Viet Nam era school kids. I'm sure there are those who will disagree, but it's pretty obvious to me that there'sa been a steady and continuous effort by mostly communist backed groups to "socialize" our country, mainly by infiltrating our school systems and creating and supporting basically anti-american groups. A small example is that behind most anti-war groups and/or demonstrations, you can, today, find communist based funding and support. The public school system has become nothing more than a liberal indoctrination system over the last 45 years. The comunists recognised a long time ago that this was the most effective way to promote their agenda, and it's been very successful. The kids that have come out of that system are now a majority of our judges, senators and congressmen/women, and are systematically desolving our constitution. (Have any of you noticed the new Dollar does not have "In God We Trust" on it) In our school system, the "media" is a liberal art. Look at how left Hollywierd has gone. Look at the bias in our news. It's blatent. Look at how far the left has gone to undo this counry's heritage. Look at how the liberal judges are ignoring the constitution, and look at how easily we, as a society, just accept it. It's what we're learning in school, (colleges are the worst offenders) and what we're seeing on the news, and it's what we hear from our "elite" in Hollywood.
    We need to control out media, and we need to get our schools back on track as learning centers, not a place for teachers to promote their own political agendas to a captive and ignorant audience. We will have a more intelligent and better informed population, capable of making better and more informed choices at the voting booth regarding almost everything from political and social awareness to the environment. This includes things like illegal immigration, global warming, and becoming oil independant.
    What's happening outside our country is unimportant as compared to what's taking place inside, and if something isn't done soon, I'm afraid it will be irreversable.
    Just my 02
    I owe you an aoplogy. I read beyond the first few sentances and found that you made some good points. However, the Southwest is running out of water, believe it or not. If water, was as you've said, our reserve holding areas like Lakes Powell and Mead would not be a dangerously low levels. CA needs to get moving on desal plants. With regard to energy, giant solar panels in the AZ desert would be a wise move and a start.

  6. #56
    Ever heard the phrase "A Nation divided is a sitting duck?"....We here are a prime example of how this nation is divided. I beg for solutions from anyone that has a real solution, as our policy makers can't seem to come up with ANY, other than more divisions within...........We are in trouble as a nation, and need to get focused and united or we'll be learning the words "Northern Baja" in spanish................We're all on the same side here, just need to start leaning the same way, at the same time...........The local paper here prints the names and addresses of our "elected" on Saturdays, I for one am going to copy those addresses and start being proactive in voicing an opinion to them about how this country is going down the tubes and what we need to do to stop it...........MP

  7. #57
    ULTRA26 # 1
    Ever heard the phrase "A Nation divided is a sitting duck?"....We here are a prime example of how this nation is divided. I beg for solutions from anyone that has a real solution, as our policy makers can't seem to come up with ANY, other than more divisions within...........We are in trouble as a nation, and need to get focused and united or we'll be learning the words "Northern Baja" in spanish................We're all on the same side here, just need to start leaning the same way, at the same time...........The local paper here prints the names and addresses of our "elected" on Saturdays, I for one am going to copy those addresses and start being proactive in voicing an opinion to them about how this country is going down the tubes and what we need to do to stop it...........MP
    I've decided to do the same thing. Pro-Activity is our only way of being heard. I also believe that we are all on same side and that combined focus is needed to overcome and undo.
    John M

  8. #58
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    John I don't believe the southwest is running out of water. Water supply historically ebbs and flows through drought and excess. It's a normal condition.
    What is changing is the growing population's demand on that finite amount of water (again refer to charts in the video). The fact that our government allows a million or more illegals to enter each year and use these resources should not be lost on this water / power issue. It's just an example of the failing infrastructure I mentioned above. The illegal immigrants are outpacing our ability as a nation to provide services to all. We've added roughly 12-20 million illegals in the past decade depending on who's numbers you use, in the southwest. That's a lot of water usage right there when you figure water for living and the food they eat.
    How bout Mexico kick up a few billion for some new water sources or power supply... yeah right. The reality is US citizens will pay for any additions to infrastructure and / or suffer the shortages. And the brain surgeons in Washington just let it continue.

  9. #59
    ULTRA26 # 1
    John I don't believe the southwest is running out of water. Water supply historically ebbs and flows through drought and excess. It's a normal condition.
    What is changing is the growing population's demand on that finite amount of water (again refer to charts in the video). The fact that our government allows a million or more illegals to enter each year and use these resources should not be lost on this water / power issue. It's just an example of the failing infrastructure I mentioned above. The illegal immigrants are outpacing our ability as a nation to provide services to all. We've added roughly 12-20 million illegals in the past decade depending on who's numbers you use, in the southwest. That's a lot of water usage right there when you figure water for living and the food they eat.
    How bout Mexico kick up a few billion for some new water sources or power supply... yeah right. The reality is US citizens will pay for any additions to infrastructure and / or suffer the shortages. And the brain surgeons in Washington just let it continue.
    Maybe I should have stated that the CO River water supply is not keeping up with the current demand. Over populating the desert has caused more demand than there is available supply, resulting in a diminshing water reserves. Label it as the fault immigration or anything you choose. The end result not enough water. This isn't an issue that was just brought to the table. It has been known for years that it was just a matter of time for demand exceeded supply, in the Southwest. I don't see removing the excess population as a viable fix, thus the basis for my suggestion that CA get moving on desal facilities, immediately. Granted this doesn't come without cost and yes, the US will no doubt bear this expense. Isn't it time that Washington start focusing on the needs of those that support Washington? It's simple for these a**holes. Toss a few earmarks at us. I wouldn't take much more than that. I am fed up with Washington as I hope most people are. "By the people and for the people". It should be very basic.
    Sorry for the rant
    John M

  10. #60
    Old Texan
    Heard a deal on the radio this morning about Mexican families left behind not being able to eat and pay the bills 'cause the hardworking Mexican men aren't sending all theat money home as reported. There's a protest site somewhere with the wives calling on Mexican Government to shut down the borders and force their menfolk to stay home and take care of their families.
    Of course if this was to happen all those millions the illegal amigos spend on Bud and Miller Lite will F up our 2 major breweries.
    Give 'em all a couple cases of Milwaukee's best, an old beater rental car, and send 'em packin' back to mama and the kids.:devil:

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