Hi guys need some help on prop choice to my new rig!
The boat is a Dateline Bikini 16 foot 1990 model, got a brochure from Bogi Baldursson from th 80's that said it weight 281kg. I Also got a Powrtran jackplate mounted, 5 inch setback and weighs 25kg.
Engine: Mercury 2006 mod, 90hp, 3 syl, 2 stroke.
I will mainly use the boat with 2-4 people onboard and some wakeboarding etc., but I also want speed! I don not need the most insane acceleration, but would like to get into plane with 4 people onboard and some luguage
I guess what Im lookin for is a good allround prop and it has to be a solid one because i want to lift the engine up when Im drivin for full throttle
Props I been advised before is Trophy (plus?) and Turbo. Have not tried anyone of them though because the egine is not bought yet!
Another thought is that I will change prop to the standard prop when the boat is heavly loaded or wakeboarding and when the boat is lighty loaded and I want to go fast I change to a high performance prop, been recommended a Chopper 22!?! Do many of you change props for different use of the boat/rig?
I hope someone bothers to read all this and give me some advise Any thoughts and suggestions welcome
Here is the boat in question btw: