DILLIGAF'S in the mist.
Renonuned Zoooligist Dr. Monke .Y. Bung has located a Carnivorous colony of flatulent Bipeds that have for some unknown reason..taken to lounging around small bodies of water while injesting variuous forms of cooked meat. The alpha who for some odd reason he has named " Tom" has been studied what seemed to be a form of communication on a small flat box. after each transmission 'Tom" ran around screaming " OOOH OOOH OOOH" while flailing his meat in all directions and then finally onto a fire which seemed much like an attempt to cook it!
Again "Tom" appeard to be trying to communicate afterwards by banging furiously on the small box!!
the saturated chimp showed his discust in Dr. Monke .Y. Bung by rolling up balls of snot and flicking it at him.