Off today LOL
Well... sort of. Im still going to be a contract loan processor... so i will take this opportunity to pimp myself out a little...
5 years experience processing residential real estate loans, worked 2 years for a hardmoney lender, i have done everything from hardmoney to A paper (and then some). I am now starting to work on commercial loans, newbie, but I am a quick learner. I have always done in-house escrow for refi's as well as purchases and am a Notary Public (obviously experienced in doc signings). PM or email me: if you guys need files processed. I will go into more detail if needed
This is actually good timing... summer + unemployment =
Actually have a job lined up and will be moving to the OC coming up here, so i guess i'm not 310 for life anymore. hahaha.
Anyone else in the OWL club?? (outta work losers)