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Thread: A war we can't win...

  1. #1
    That's what they said about WWII. First there were the Germans' buzzbombs, unguided terror weapons that were launched to attack morale, not targets. But we overcame them.
    Then there were the Kamikazes. They killed 5000 of our boys in 3 months. Let me say that again. 5000 IN THREE MONTHS. Yet we overcame that. But Harry Reid says because we've lost 3000 troops in 4 years that we've lost the war. We've never seen tactics like this. We should withdraw the troops and not put any of our boys in harm's way. Excuse me, but what is the purpose of our military? Is it not to step into harm's way and defend us?
    Anyone who says we CAN'T win this war is delusional. If we lose this war it's because we WON'T do what is necessary to get it done. Yeah, the enemy's tactics are unique, albeit effective. But we know Iran is sending sophisticated IED's to Al Quaeda in Iraq and that these weapons are killing our troops. What are doing about this? Nothing. Well, we're asking to talk to Iran about security in Iraq, which is like talking to a bank robber about a cash flow problem.
    And Syria is shuttling in truckloads of "insurgents" (how can you be an insurgent if you're from somewhere else?) to fight our troops. What is being done about this? Well, Syria is the second stop on the "talking to our enemies like they are our friends" tour that Democrats and the U.N. have embarked on. I guess John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi want to thank Iran and Syria for helping Al Quaeda kill our troops. If not, what are they doing there?

  2. #2
    Old Texan
    If there is ever a book published with the title: "What's Wrong with America", Pelosi, Reid and Kerry will be on the cover.
    Treason:idea: If the glove fits........

  3. #3
    We can't win a war by being nice to our enemy, it didn’t happen in WWII. The only winners hear is the American Media.

  4. #4
    I think this sentence says it all ...
    "Anyone who says we CAN'T win this war is delusional. If we lose this war it's because we WON'T do what is necessary to get it done."
    I have family in Iraq and it has improved, but the killing continues. War is a nasty proposition and we are trying to have a nice war which does not work. Everyone knows that they jacked it up from the the second day we rolled into Baghdad and now 3 4 years later they figure out we need more people. Is it to late? i don't know only time will tell. A few major problems that they have had.
    - Not enough troops and the correct equipment to secure the country after we rolled in.
    - Trying to be nice. Like I said war in nasty and if you engage you should engage to win not be nice about it. We should have stopped right there when someone said we need to minimize collateral damage. I don't even know if this is possible in the political world today.
    - The American people are not behind the war like they were in world war II. It is to distant and really does not affect our daily lives. Were is our sacrifice? We worry about the price of gas and if it will stop our river trips while Sargent good guy gets his lower body blown off.
    - The Islam religion does not separate church and state and they have been fighting about this for centuries. Islam is what divides the region and the Muslim people.
    Will we win....not by September

  5. #5
    This "civil war" has been going on for generations. Seems to me the future generations are in question as far as where their loyalities are......By being PC in this "war" are we just allowing the next generation of terrorists to flurish...As far as troop losses, we have the technoligy to win this war after we withdraw all our troops. Just use it.......And if we happen to kill a few future terrorists in the carpet bombing, so be it.....Maybe tell Iran if they continue to supply war machine items to Iraq, we will bomb Iraq into the stone age and then give the country to the jews....To watch over Iran from a better vantage point.....These people do not understand warfare, only their Jahad...........No rules........Time to win or leave, simple.......I guess we learned nothing in So East Asia..................MP

  6. #6
    ULTRA26 # 1
    This "civil war" has been going on for generations. Seems to me the future generations are in question as far as where their loyalities are......By being PC in this "war" are we just allowing the next generation of terrorists to flurish...As far as troop losses, we have the technoligy to win this war after we withdraw all our troops. Just use it.......And if we happen to kill a few future terrorists in the carpet bombing, so be it.....Maybe tell Iran if they continue to supply war machine items to Iraq, we will bomb Iraq into the stone age and then give the country to the jews....To watch over Iran from a better vantage point.....These people do not understand warfare, only their Jahad...........No rules........Time to win or leave, simple.......I guess we learned nothing in So East Asia..................MP
    Yes Sir

  7. #7
    I think this sentence says it all ...
    "Anyone who says we CAN'T win this war is delusional. If we lose this war it's because we WON'T do what is necessary to get it done."
    - The Islam religion does not separate church and state and they have been fighting about this for centuries. Islam is what divides the region and the Muslim people.
    Will we win....not by September
    They've been killing eachother in the sand for 100's of years, they are going to be killing eachother in the sand for 100's of years to come.

  8. #8
    Yes Sir
    Like you have the slightest idea about fighting a combat action.

  9. #9
    Steve 1
    It could be over tomorrow all that is needed is someone with balls to declare that entire chit hole a Free Fire Zone.

  10. #10
    3 daytona`s
    every time I read it or hear it I go ballistic,are you nuts? The Viet Nam War would have been a piece of cake with criss- crossing the pitiful place with B-52`s The smart bombs/missles we have smoke this disgusting haven for hate and terror. Then pack up come home after notifying all if any problew what so ever there again the wrath will continue.

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