after a 2 year battle for them to fix a major issue with my managers last june they decide to take the bone head move of the year and demote some of my managers...they were looking to shave some money anyway but we never asked for more money but the idiots downtown thought we wanted more money now they decided to demote managers and with this move they would have to demote or fire two union members (teamsters were pissed but hands were tied)....first they tried to do it by senority but when they figured out even though i had 14 years in i was going to be one of the 2 to be demoted they back-tracked..they re-thought their plans and came up with doing it by job duties everyone had been doing for the past two years ...since i was one of two leads i was now safe...but since my GF is one of the other managers (yes we work for the same school district in the same position) she got demoted effective this coming september....that was going to cost us $6,000 over 10 months i told my boss since i wanted to quit anyway i do not have plans on returning this coming september...(this would allow her to promote up to my position) within 2 days they offered me a fulltime position for this summer at my regular salary (i was orginially scheduled to be off one month and was suppose to make $3 less a hour), they offered me a 12 month stipend, and as of this morning she has been reinstated to her old position...gotta love public education
to make the whole story crazier i had one manager quit this summer and after all this BS no one is demoted except two cooks (union members) that were caught up in this mess