No we had these wars outside in the neighborhood. I only shot mine in the house once.
I was going to go outside and shoot my BB gun with my friend when my phone rang and it was one of my best friends.
As I was talkng to him on the phone and holding my BB gun I suddenly heard him yelp and start cussing at his brother.
I said: what happened?
He said: " Fred just shot my with a BB gun".
I said: "oh my god, do you need to go to the hospital?"
He said: "no it just stings".
So I said: "did it break the skin?"
He said: "no it never does".
I said "what do you mean it never does"?
He said: "we shoot each other with them all the time".
I said: "for real".
He said: "yep, try it out sometime, you'll see, it just stings for a while".
Imagine my friend's (who had just been standing there next to me not really paying much attention while I was on the phone) suprise when I calmly cocked my Daisy, lowered it, and shot him in the a$$, for apparently no reason.
After that.
It was on.
The whole neighborhoods boys got into BB gun wars.
Oh, so you're saying you're smarter than me!!!!!
BB gun wars outside would have been a much better idea!:idea: :sqeyes: