The problem 472 is you are against EVERYTHING the admin. represents. As for Israel, EVERY administration has backed it, the dems more than Republicans, so you're discussing a completely different topic that BOTH parties support for reasons, as I said before, you are NOT priviledged to know based on your civillian status.
The fact they are a democracy these days in a world that is ever increasingly anti democracy should be reason alone to back them. And Krav Maga is a good self defense curriculum too/LOL.
One thing you should agree about Israel is that we should follow their steps in making MILITARY SERVICE MANDATORY. It would go a long way in straightening out our youth, putting everyone on the same page as for respect, civil defense, and the importance of a strong military.
Since the Blown one is on suspension this will be your best chance of not getting an asinine reply and a crude lesson in family genetics......:devil: