Steel, once we all figure out that you are the one that really knows your chit, it should be a great benefit to Foxwell Motorsports. Maybe you can sell a couple rotating assm. or even an engine. I'm going to start a thread called "Machinehead, Im the chit man". Now dont get all weird on me now. I think this is all good info and I hope that it continues. I will try to add to it if I can. However I still dont know what you are really asking. One thing just keeps leading to another. This is a huge subject. I dont think the gearheads forum is the place that you are going to get the info you seek. And it seems you already know the answers.
Well, personal attacks and sarcasm aside, this thread has gone in a few different directions, but mainly because it's a broad reaching question and I thought it might provoke some interesting conversation. Thanks for your friendly input.