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Thread: Talk about twisted crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Steve 1

  2. #2
    What a surprise only in Kalifornia. This state is going to shit because of political corectness and the conseratives doing nothing about it. I want liberalism to get kicked in the ass and to me right now it's only a wish. The Republicans are getting weak and it's like they are affraid to stand up to this liberal crap.I wonder what this country will look like in 30 years, si no hable englesh. God what has happend to this country since my grandfather fought on the island of iwo jima. America has to wake up to this crap or we are ****ed.

  3. #3
    There aren't enough conservatively minded folks out there in Kali. to beat out the liberals, sux. Looks like another reason it's "time to move".
    Yep, way to harsh stuff in there to simply be an "anti-discrimination" bill. What happens to a district when 2/3 of it's funding gets yanked? They do whatever suits the Supperintendent or the doors CLOSE. Yep, time to go.

  4. #4
    Been time to move from kali along time ago. It doesn't look like Arnie is going to win this years election. So some dumb ass democrat will get in and raise taxes and increase the size of the government even more, While driving this state to bankruptcy. The problem is the kalifornia republicians are in my opion weak. Well, whatever you get what you vote for :cry: :cry:

  5. #5
    Actually, polls show that most of America is pretty conservative. The problem is that liberal groups try to destroy whoever doesn't agree with them. Ever see what gay rights groups and Pro-Wetback groups do when someone speaks out against their cause? The schools biggest problem is the teachers union, which have become political entities and pretty much do whatever they want because they have the support of all the other liberal groups in the state.

  6. #6
    Actually, polls show that most of America is pretty conservative. The problem is that liberal groups try to destroy whoever doesn't agree with them. Ever see what gay rights groups and Pro-Wetback groups do when someone speaks out against their cause?
    Yep, they sure do, and all the while claiming to be "the party of TOLERANCE, and "diversity"." Somehow there is no tolerance for other viewpoints among liberals these days. They demonize their opponents screaming Nazi, White Supremacist, Racist, etc and so often chase them away with the unsupportable lies.
    Hmmmmmm Sounds kinda familiar now that I read it. Hmmmmmmm

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