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Thread: Shasta Photo Shoot & Myster Run by Poker Runs West June 13 & 14

  1. #51
    You are not in a position to speak for anyones ability to drive, you were not there.
    Thank God. It's sounds like it was a very dangerous situation.

  2. #52
    Twice Pipes
    Thank God. It's sounds like it was a very dangerous situation.
    But its just hear say so quit stirring the pot dick.

  3. #53
    But its just hear say so quit stirring the pot dick.
    Yes it is hear say but when I hear it from 4 different people that were there and were not drinking I tend to believe it. Dick!

  4. #54
    Twice Pipes
    Yes it is hear say but when I hear it from 4 different people that were there and were not drinking I tend to believe it. Dick!
    Dick, I'm sorry, my name is not Dick. It is John. Are you calling me a Dick?

  5. #55
    I'm done with you and talking about this. Now back to the Shasta thread....

  6. #56
    I was there, and I can tell you that you are wrong greg. Unless you got some facts, it's time to let this go.

  7. #57
    Twice Pipes
    I'm done with you and talking about this. Now back to the Shasta thread....
    Dick, what you don't have a sense of humor?

  8. #58
    Poker Runs West
    Get this drinking crap off my Shasta thread. I do not want to be associated with drinking while running our boats or talking about it on here. It is totaly counter productive for what I believe in concerning excessive drinking and driving. Go to threads that talk about boating and drinking or cover what did or didn't go on at whatever run or event your interested in and get your information there where it is talked about and leave your comments there also.
    And leave the name calling and other negative comments on those threads also.

  9. #59
    Hey Chris I'm Seth.
    We've never met and I have nothing against you personally. A couple of months ago I moved to town and was looking to meet some people on the Delta. First I saw your thread and I was excited to attend. Then I found the thread on Hookey Day and became excited to attend that one too. Needless to say why, because I don't know, I ended up at Hookey Day. Not knowing anyone, I received a warm welcome from everyone and got set up with a ride. The dlb is truly a great group of people, no matter what anyone says. I've read this entire thread, start to finish, about five times.
    Get this drinking crap off my Shasta thread. I do not want to be associated with drinking while running our boats or talking about it on here. It is totally counter productive for what I believe in concerning excessive drinking and driving. Go to threads that talk about boating and drinking or cover what did or didn't go on at whatever run or event your interested in and get your information there where is is talked about and leave your comments there also.
    And leave the name calling and other negative comments on those threads also.
    And to be frank, you really should own the fact that this thread was going great with people talking about having fun until you (no one else) brought up drinking and boating. Furthermore, you brought it up in a way that has negative implications to other people (or groups as you will). I'm not here to argue anything... I read it, and I understand both what you were really saying and what you said. You are (or were, whatever) frustrated that you go through all the effort to set up an event, and suddenly there's someone else doing one too, one week earlier. AND using your initials to boot. I'd be pissed too. That's what I heard underneath what you said (Wrote). But there is still remaining, what was said, and who it was said about.
    I'm not suggesting a group hug here, but it would be great if you were able (everyone else too) to take ownership in that this is the outcome you have created for your thread, AND you're not wrong OR right about it. (Damn I sound Gay)
    Outlined below in red are the things that could have been omitted, while still expressing your frustration in a professional manner.
    Very good question. The only answer I have is stupidity, and ego. In years past I have had my organized event on the same weekend when some guys had just been getting together up there to drink and goof off. It seemed to work well with 42 boats running in the photo shoot and poker run and about 15 other boats tagging along without entering it.
    Some from the other group decided to split off and go to another weekend after I set my date. You will need to ask them why. Needless to say it has caused a great deal of confusion and frankly pissed off some guys who would have liked to see everyone up there on the same weekend whether they ran in my organized event or not.
    If your looking to just go drink and hang out. That appears to be what is going on June 5 or thereabouts. If you want to come and run your boat in an organized helicopter photo shoot, poker run, two parties, free lunch and lots more planed then join us on June 13-15 weekend. The total cost is $100.00. Drinking is not allowed by the driver on Saturday morning during the shoot and poker run. We will have lots of time to party later.
    Look at the boats registered for the other run, review the thread about the delta run last Saturday and you will have an indication of what the other guys run and do when they get together.
    Look to Hot Boat Magazines recent article on my run and you will get an idea of what we do or review my web site at
    Hope to see you on the water.
    I propose (for a few reasons) that you take the new "response" I modified above (Keep in mind I've not changed any of your words, it is still your response) and edit your post with it. If you do, I'll personally PM everyone who posted after that and ask them to completely delete their posts, and in two days I will delete this post returning your thread to it's original integrity. Keep in mind, I can only promise my own actions, and can only ask the others to comply... So, no guarantee.
    To make it even easier, just copy and paste the below:
    Very good question. In years past I have had my organized event on the same weekend. It seemed to work well with 42 boats running in the photo shoot and poker run and about 15 other boats tagging along without entering it.
    Some decided to split off and go to another weekend after I set my date. Needless to say it has caused a great deal of confusion. Some guys would have liked to see everyone up there on the same weekend whether they ran in my organized event or not.
    If you want to come and run your boat in an organized helicopter photo shoot, poker run, two parties, free lunch and lots more planed then join us on June 13-15 weekend. The total cost is $100.00.
    Look at the boats registered for the other run, review the thread about the delta run last Saturday and you will have an indication of what the other guys run and do when they get together.
    Look to Hot Boat Magazines recent article on my run and you will get an idea of what we do or review my web site at
    Hope to see you on the water.
    Now that's a professional class act reply right there, very respectable! Sorry for the Novel everyone.

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