Rodney Bahner was one of the worst boat builders I've ever seen. His early stuff, like the one your looking at, was ok, nothing special. The smartest thing he ever did was to splash the Rogers bottom as the platform for his brand. But his later hulls from '84 on, the ones he was trying to build while in hiding and trying to keep his ass from getting blown away, were total, 100%, without doubt, the biggest pieces of crap ever set afloat, if they would indeed float.
I had the unfortunate pleasure of of being incharge of doing the repairs of his 'boats' while I was GM Advantage back in the day. The owner of Advantage was Rodneys best friend and when Bahner couldn't be found to do any warranty work, or to finish rigging a boat, or to finish carpeting a boat, or to finish doing anything to to his boats other than to grab the money from the customer, we had to do it. We had to deal with the monumentally pissed off owners who wanted to know why their brand new boat had no bulkheads in it and why the flimsy decks were cracking all to hell, or why the engine almost looked like it was a used that had been painted to look new and why did it have old manifolds on it, or why was my boat ordered with a JG Berk has an old C pump in it. Fuking nightmare from hell.
I wouldn't ride in a Bahner much less buy a used one. But that's just me.