It isn't that I'm for McCain, I'm against Obama.
Obama is a fraud, a fast talking shill lawyer in a cheap suit. His record tells all. He says he supports the second amendment, but his past tells a different story.
He wants to smooze Iran knowing that a deal cannot be binding because we are not a muslim state.
His programs are support and aid for people that are too lazy and ignorant to help themselves, at taxpayers expense.
His program to stimulate the economy is to stimulate the world economy, selling (giving) our technology to foreign powers as a gesture of good will.
Obama will naturalze 10 millions illegal immigrants and claim success while real americans go hungry.
You want health care, buy it or get a job that provides it and work thirty years for a retirement. I did. It sucked.
Obama has not earned it, he's just cashing in his democratic food stamps.
McCain gave his life for his country and his troops. That alone does not qualify him, but those acts show honor Obama will never know.
McCain really wants to fix it. He's sincere.
McCain gave us Palin in 2012. Everytime the media slams here Obama loses votes.
I think there are much better out there than those two
His name is Ron Paul
Too bad I have to vote against Obama , rather than who I think should be pres.
Also too bad that these candidates aren't held to what they say. There is no accountability. I Am -forced- to vote for McCain.
A rule of thumb for critical thinking. If someone is trying to convince you of something, just apply three questions. What/How/Why. If any of these three can not be answered, Call Bullsh*t! If a candidate doesn't give you the "What/How/Why" they are full of sh*t. McCain is definitely not my first choice only because he fails to mention anything about the World bank, printing money out of thin air, and the dollar being backed by nothing.
It amazes me to no end how little people know about the constitution and why we need one. The constitution is to "limit" government and to "entitle" people individually (not groups of people). The federal government would like it the other way around.
I read somewhere, " Let logic dictate authority, not authority dictate logic.