You throw around words like character, integrity, leadership and morality as if they can be bought in the veggie dept.CC
I'm afraid I do not. Unfortunately integrity is fairly rare these days. I find myself thanking someone for having it, when in fact, it should be expected.
Only in the last 50 years have we the money to "buy off" adverse consequences of immorality to which we've become accustomed.
Buy off adverse consequences of immorality? You can buy off immorality? I didn't know that. The concept of even being able to "buy" your way out of the disintegration of American morality is in fact... immoral.
Any "system" that takes from "the rich" to give to "the poor" via the awesome power of the state is the very antithesis of this character you mention. That generation you referenced fought and died to protect you from such a "system".
Here in the trailer park our forefathers did not die so that greedy businessmen and amoral politicians could rob the state coffers and blame people for being poor whilst they skipped the light fandango in the Hamptons and Dubai. As a matter of fact, sometimes we think being poor can be a badge of honor because it sometimes means one deferred financial gain from ill gotten opportunities as a matter of principle. That being said, you cannot surmise the depths of a mans character by his pocket book. Either rich or poor. You cannot provide me an example of any democrat wanting to rob from the rich and give to the poor. All you can site is a tax increase for those who can afford it. I doubt that's you because you haven't exercized a great deal of intellect to date that would indicate you have earning power in the first place. If I'm wrong... congrats. You slipped through the cracks. They say the poor fight 80% of the battles. If that's true, it is my forefathers who died for you. God bless them.
How does a "con man" differ from the poor getting more house than they could afford? Is it the dollar amount? or education? or intent? or foreclosure?
It appears as if you believe that every problem has a financial solution. You'll grow out of this set of training wheels, as well.
In psychological terms it is called manipulation. I refer you to Dr. Edward Bernay for a more in depth analysis of the phenomenon. Wall Street and Madison Avenue makes a pretty comfortable living doing it.
Not every problem has a financial solution. However, financial problems do have a financial solution (as a rule.)
A couple quick questions of my own.
How old are you and how long have you been working for your Daddy?