Copied from the affidavit for arrrest:
ROD BLAGOJEVICH asked what he can get from the President-elect
for the Senate seat. ROD BLAGOJEVICH stated that Governor General Counsel believes
the President-elect can get ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s wife on paid corporate boards in
exchange for naming the President-elect’s pick to the Senate. Governor General Counsel
asked, “can [the President-elect] help in the private sector. . . where it wouldn’t be tied to
him? . . .I mean, so it wouldn’t necessarily look like one for the other.”
No here is my question....Why does the council and Governor so openly assume that Obama will do this? Could it be that Obama is from this corrupt political system and there is precedent in the past of his involvement in Pay to Play Politics in Illinois.........Rezko is named through out this document.....Obama gave millions to Ayers programs......Wife got on boards and was given high paying jobs because of her husband.....does any one see a pattern? I also heard that there are rumblings in the Chicago media that there are direct connections to Obama.......we will see.......
Does it really matter? israel is pulling his puppet strings just like they did with gdumbya.