Stood by and did absolutely nothing when the most horrific natural disaster in US history hit one of country's major cities.
Katrina was the most predicted and prepared for event in US history. Really doesn't qualify as the worst when compared to San Fran's, Chicago's big fires or the quake, midwestern floods, etc.. Blame the French for building a city below sea level 400 years ago. Who gets the blame for living there?
The Geneva convention, as written, does not apply to terrorists. You appear to have forgotten the victory in Iraq...that really bothers some folks.
He likely won't get his face on Mt. Rushmore. But who will under the glare of revisionists? Not Lincoln for hanging newspaper editors...certainly not Jefferson for raping slaves? TR stole all that land and killed all those precious animals? Washington cut down that cherry tree.
Maybe you'd vote for Elton John or another trend setting envelope pusher?