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Thread: Elsinore Sucks Ass

  1. #21
    Spur of the moment I went to Elsinore on Sunday and hung out in the "cove." Gotta say that was the best time I've ever had at the lake. Stayed there until 4, normally would leave at 2 due to it being blown out, but the cove was flat and calm. People on both sides, kinda like a mini channel...dogs, eazy ups, footballs going across both sides, a parade of boats and even titties. I also saw Elsinore Cop...he was throwing back footballs and other floating children toys that had strayed to the center of the cove, which was really cool. He wasn't bothering anybody, either were the other set of cops that rolled thru.
    Havasu DCB/Skaterfast
    3 beers in 6 hours and 120 miles more to Havasu....sorry, you guys need to brush up on your math skills. No offense, just stating the obvious http://free.***
    I go to Elsinore because IT'S FUN http://free.*** http://free.*** http://free.***

  2. #22
    I have a question or two that maybe Elsinore Cop or Boat Cop can answer.
    1.) It's my understanding that a BUI is attached to your DMV record in California but if I refuse an FST while boating is my CDL suspended the same if I refuse while driving a car? I ask because, a suspended CDL doesn't prevent me from operating a boat since boating doesn't require a license.
    2.) What kinda of FST do you do on the water? The walking and balance portions can't really be preformed because a boat is usually not big enough and generally not stable.
    3.) Is an open container ok at Elsinore?
    Just curious
    BTW, my experiences at Elsinore have been pretty good so far.

  3. #23
    Originally posted by Blown Cheyenne Hydro:
    dude i drink a twelver and bust a hundred in the hydro every time i go out
    (well i only had the hydro out once) but i scared the shit out of a hundred in the tx-19 many times with a few cold ones in me!!!!
    Aint you the man......
    [This message has been edited by Riptide01 (edited July 16, 2002).]

  4. #24
    This thread is funny. So the guy drinks and drives, gets busted and it's the lakes fault?? That could happen at any lake at any time. I guess all lakes must suck.
    I bet 100 times more people get busted at Havasu then at Elsinore in a year.

  5. #25
    Livin Large 27Hallett
    Local Lakes suck ass anyways.

  6. #26
    Whoa perfect guy!
    Just posted to let people know to be careful at Elsinore!
    And I added all the truthful details.
    Pipedown sport!

  7. #27
    I go to elsinore because its only 20 minutes from me and its an easy trip to test the boat in between river trips.
    Would i swim in the lake? Hell no! In a short span of 2 weeks the water turned from brown to green and that's scary.
    But the cove is always full of fun people on weekends and is a great local place to hang.
    The cops are usually cool there. Last weekend they politely asked me to install my baffles when i was hanging out in the cove. It was obvious i had launched w/o them and they didnt ticket me for it. Not a bad deal if you ask me.

  8. #28
    Originally posted by Riptide01:
    Aint you the man......
    [This message has been edited by Riptide01 (edited July 16, 2002).]
    RipTide, It's becuase of fags like you that this guy got a DUI. With all your preaching (holier then thou) shit, and your M.A.D.D. propaganda you finally convince some jackass in legislation to change the laws to lower tolerances. I'm sure you feel really good about it as well. I'm sure you feel that you've done your good deed for the day. Possibly "saved someones life." In reality your ruining peoples lives, and taking the "fun" out of boating. Pretty soon we can all go out to the lake and hook the bow eye up to a steel cable and get towed around like we're at disneyland if it makes you happy.
    Me personally I enjoy a few beers damn near everytime I drive my boat. I guess that it can't be done responsibly though can it?
    Nope, no way now how.. Would you even listen to what I have to say if I spelled it out for you? I don't believe that you would, so in lieu of getting into the whole debate again, I'd rather just tell you to go **** yourself. There now I feel like I've done my good deed for the day. http://free.***

  9. #29
    Where on the lake is the cove you guys refer to?

  10. #30
    Havasu DCB,
    You just sounded surprised that you guys got harassed and ticketed.
    I am far from perfect.We all like to have a good time ,I dont need beer for the courage to go 100+.
    Can I ask if and what kind of safety gear you guys were wearing or had on board?
    Seems to me the owner of a boat company and some friends were killed recently ,doing a 100 mph run.
    But thats one of those things that happens to the other guy.
    You "Sunshine Partyboys" seem to think you are bullet proof.
    Take care, Sport.

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