I just returned from 10 days in Laughlin and Lake Mohave! What a vacation! While leaving town Saturday morning about 9 of us stoped at the Dennys coffee shop in Bullhead City to have breakfast. During our breakfast about twelve pieces of shit gang banger type latino dudes (towing pwc's behind slammed mini trucks with hydraulics) showed up and the shit talking was on. It was very crowded and the hostess was doing her best to get every body a seat as soon as she could. She even asked people standing and waiting if they wanted a complimentary beverage for being patient.
She recommended to the fu#$ing menure gang tribal tatted bandana wearing co^k suckers if they wanted one and if were willing to take two tables or break up their party they would get served faster. They were so rude and loud to this woman and they tried to intimidate her and the people in front of them. Some people left and as they did these jerk offs said shit like good I'm glad you are going by the way your wifes to fat to eat here any way holmes...or some shit like that. Several guys in our party were about to intervine when 3 older gentleman walked in and the pieces of shit shaped up immeadiately.
I would say that these men were about 55 to 65 years old. Not to big 5'9" to 6 foot and weighed around 165 lbs. They were dirty like they had been working in the hot sun in the dirt I suspect. Their levis were dusty and cowboy boots were red with dirt. One wore a cowboy hat and the other 2 NAPA AUTO baseball caps which were all dirty and sweaty. They wrinkled and tanned dark, one was either Mexican or Indian. As they strode in to Dennys they asked for a booth and said they would wait for the service and would take a cup of coffe as they waited along with ice water. Noticing there were no seats on the lobby sofa seats because the fu%#ing pieces of shit occupied all the seats one of the old timers asked the end seated gang banger if he would kindly surrender his seat to an old lady that was overweight and just looked she needed to get off her feet. Not surprisingly the piece of shit complied and the restuarnt was silent of their fu$@ing shit mouths for the rest of the morning and they were very well behaved to boot.
Now don't tell me a armed society isn't a more polite society!