seems like yesterday I looked over and saw this munchkin staring back at me from between the bars of his crib,grinning from ear to ear fully knowing I was about to be up to my elbows in crap and getting pissed on for the task of cleaning him up. yuk
I remember comming home to see my wifes discust then looking at our boy beside the dog he attempted to make look like barney with purple cool aid
I remember the nervous look in his eyes as he slid into his first classroom then comming home with grape juice all over him from pissing off a girl he liked
I remember his sheepish look as he tried to cover up a black eye he got from that Mitchell kid down the block after telling him his mom was fat cry
I remember his first base hit in baseball.
I remember him running me over on his first motorbike
I remember how proud he was when he was all spruced up for his first dance at school.
I remember his first date,and him freaking out when his mother asked him if he knew what a condom was.
I was confronted yesterday with the realization
of just how fast they grow up when he said to me as we were headed out for a family supper...
Dad, I'll drive eek!