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Thread: "It's All About Oil" (Iraq)

  1. #11
    The UN is worthless. I do agree that we need to quit saying that we have proof. We should just lay those cards on the table, tell the UN, France & Germany to F off and do what we need to do. I do believe that we get most of our oil from South America so why aren't we attacking Venezuala?? If we allow him (saddam) to continue there will be future problems. DOn't forget people, nearly 3,000 people died in a matter of hours when someone attacked. These groups, al-queda, extremist muslims, only understand power and if you run away they will continue to attack. If you turn around and kick their ass then they think twice about whether they want to confront you again. We will be attacked again, I just hope we are better prepared next time. Just my .02

  2. #12
    When we get in there and get to the records.....then it will be obvious why France and Germany have been against it.
    France and Germany have been selling them nuclear weapons parts and chemical generation equipment, among many other products...
    I bet the paper shredders are working over time!!
    France and Germany are awaiting all the black market oil they've been promised for the backroom deals.

  3. #13
    Any one who thinks the US is going to benefit by going to war with Iraq is living in a fool's paradise. GWB is an oil man. H eknows that we would never get enough oil from Iraq to pay for the cost of the war. If anything, it would be better for the US to let the Iraqis to continue as they were. The Iraq oil fields are falling apart. Within a few years, the capacity of the oil fields will fall to the point that they will have little to sell. They are already at 1/3 of their capacity due to equipment failure. Less Iraqi oil means enough profit margin to keep US fields vaible. We go to war, it will cost us billions to win and establish a new government. This new government would be under no obligation to US businesses. So we are going to spend billions of our money with no advantage to US companies. We are so devious and greedy.
    On the other hand, Saddam has contracts with France, Germany and Russia that will provide billon of dollars to the governments. The Russian contract, I believe, is worth around 45 billion $s. A war that removes Saddam will void these contracts and put them on the open market again. But they are peace loving benefactors to the world.
    The real reality is that the Middle East has been a hot bed of religious fanaticism for decades. To provide the means for peace there, is going to require playing hardball. We have to eliminate the biggest promoter of this fanatacism. SH pay millions of dollars to the families of Palestinian bombers. This is very public knowledge. If we eliminate SH and establish a moderate government, then that means when another nation starts thinking about becoming rogue, they will remember what happened to SH and tone it down. Look at what is happening now, The French have made it plain that they will veto anything the US and Britain proposed. Iraq has started to say screw everyone, we are not going to play . If France and them had supported a hard line, we may have had a chance to kick SH out without a battle. Now we will have a tougher fight.
    Our government may not always be in the right. There have been mistakes made through out history. The biggest mistakes have come by appeasing dictators until they become powerful enough to create a major turmoil. Everyone talks about how hated we are in the world. History is rife with examples about how unpopular the right decision can be. We don't elect a president to take a poll for every decision. We just had a president who only real decision he made was when to zip down his pants. We pick a president ot lead the most powerful nation in the world. It is a huge responsibility and to accuse him of making a truly important decision for anything but the highest motives is wrong.

  4. #14
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    'it about the oil'...that's the most ****ed up thing I keep hearing. Yes, oil's part of it but if that was the only reason, why didn't we take it in '91?
    That's a bullshit argument. Why is it people like to, or choose to, believe Saddam?
    This guys the most dangerous man on the planet right now. When Hitler was comming into power, he had many friends around the world that couldn't see or wouldn't believe that he was a danger to the world. Same thing went on then as what's going on now. Protests to war, big arguments about how he's not a threat, on and on. His friend's? How about the Pope at that time. Joseph Kennedy (JFKs dad-no surprise there)and many, many high profile political people of the our country! All wanted to stay out of the war, and all proven dead ****ing wrong.
    It's history repeating itself only now, for the last 20 years, little Johnny in our schools doesn't know that, because he reads politacly corect history books that gloss's over what really happend.
    What do you think would have happened if the US didn't get involved in the war and kick ass then? For one Germany would be the super power,not us and more than likly we'd all be speaking German right now.
    It's the same story now, only Saddam has the weapons Hitler only dreamed about.
    Wake up.

  5. #15
    TOBTEK--- If we sent the UN inspectors to the BAD weapons sites not just some outdated rockets or warheads -- What do you think would happen to the inspectors-- SUDDAM would have them killed-- There would be another unfortunate accident.

  6. #16
    These are the two most telling sentences in the whole piece. I think they are telling, however there are more telling statements and information in the article then just those two.
    The article was about how going to war is not all about oil...and how difficult it will be for the US or Britian to get their hands on the oil. It lays out facts, and the fact is that the new incoming government would be the one incharge of the oil. Not the US or the UK.
    This statement is very telling as well:
    After the 1991 Gulf War, Kuwait said it would open its oil industry to foreign investment; 11 years later that has yet to happen - because of nationalistic opposition in Kuwait's parliament.
    Or this one:
    One of the reasons that the "It's all about oil" discussion gets off on the wrong track is that it makes the assumption, often without realising it, that Iraq would turn over its current 2.8 million barrels per day of production capacity to international companies. But that's a misleading assumption. Why would a new Iraqi government want to split revenues?
    I'm certain oil is a varible, but I do not believe it is "ALL ABOUT OIL"

  7. #17
    MJ19, I am in full agreement with you. I guess I didn't get my point across in the way it was meant.
    Oil is a common denominator in that part of the world. As the essay pointed out, and you also, there is no guarantee of an increase in Iraqi oil production based on the outcome of a war. And even a smaller chance of that oil going to America or Great Brittan.
    The statement quoted was to point out that the "doves" in the UN (France, Germany, and Russia) are protecting their interests over the rest of the world's... politics as usual.
    And a question to all the peacnicks in this country: If a war with Iraq is averted, and at some time in the future the Iraqi's aquire nuclear capability, either through research or the black market, who is going to be the SOB's that didn't do anything about it?
    My awnser is not France, Germany, or Russia in the worlds eyes, but the good 'ole U.S. of A.

  8. #18
    MJ19, I am in full agreement with you. I guess I didn't get my point across in the way it was meant.
    Oil is a common denominator in that part of the world. As the essay pointed out, and you also, there is no guarantee of an increase in Iraqi oil production based on the outcome of a war. And even a smaller chance of that oil going to America or Great Brittan. Ahhhh Thanks for the clarification Sometimes it's not always easy to read 'meaning' from typed words...thanks again

  9. #19
    'it about the oil'...that's the most ****ed up thing I keep hearing. Yes, oil's part of it but if that was the only reason, why didn't we take it in '91?
    That's a bullshit argument. Why is it people like to, or choose to, believe Saddam?
    This guys the most dangerous man on the planet right now. When Hitler was comming into power, he had many friends around the world that couldn't see or wouldn't believe that he was a danger to the world. Same thing went on then as what's going on now. Protests to war, big arguments about how he's not a threat, on and on. His friend's? How about the Pope at that time. Joseph Kennedy (JFKs dad-no surprise there)and many, many high profile political people of the our country! All wanted to stay out of the war, and all proven dead ****ing wrong.
    It's history repeating itself only now, for the last 20 years, little Johnny in our schools doesn't know that, because he reads politacly corect history books that gloss's over what really happend.
    What do you think would have happened if the US didn't get involved in the war and kick ass then? For one Germany would be the super power,not us and more than likly we'd all be speaking German right now.
    It's the same story now, only Saddam has the weapons Hitler only dreamed about.
    Wake up. couldnt be said any better!!!

  10. #20
    I'm certain oil is a varible, but I do not believe it is "ALL ABOUT OIL" ) [/QB]Ya, Who started this thread anyways???? Sheesh

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