Well, I agree with some of you on both sides of the issue. I have been a victim of exagerated power output and received benefits from a conservative approach.Infomaniac stated it best regarding engine dynamics. The tool of measurement is controlled by a computer, generates adequate baseline data and allows you to make real world anaylisis.It is up to the operator to be honest with herself on the correction factor,"472"'s point.The 1/4 mile argument is valid assuming variables are at a minimum.I must admit that my dyno experience is about a 6 different engines for different applications, some of the engines were for circle track guys that are competitors with each other.What did I do on the Dyno? Well, I did What I was told to do, and don't screw up,JK.I helped with the simple things but in the beginning I also helped install the Dyno and have a good understanding of how they work. My engine did gain 160hp from carbueration and timing changes. My baseline was so out of whack and erratic that no plug checks could have steered me in the right direction. what I would expect from a N/A 496 in proportion is maybe a 70 hp change, assuming his baseline was as screwed up as mine.Dynos are different.Mine was dynoed on DTS and westech used superflow. the best comparison is HB's seat of the pants feeling and happiness.I do not really think he cares too much about the numbers, as long as he sees an adequete increase in performance and can stir the pot a little.I am happy for him and think the engine looks Great.Info refered to himself as old school. To me, that means being honest with yourself and if you disagree, speak up ! Don't kiss ass.New school is everbody wins! I am still learning and not an engine builder, but enjoy the whole shebang.I have seen a 20 hp increase from headers of similar dimesions on the same motor.
[ June 25, 2003, 07:22 AM: Message edited by: DEL51 ]