Danged if it ain't nice to finnly be gettin round to posted on this here board. Sa many of you folkes got boats on the brain jest like me!
anyhoo just wanted to say howdy and look forwerd to talkin a bunch with you'ins bout boatin. Here's a pic of me and the fam, now hold on buys she's taken!!! me and her brother gots first dibs! and don't be a stealin this photo for none them porno sites either. she's good christian all the way. :wink:
<img src=http://img76.photobucket.com/albums/v232/deadelvis/redneck.jpg>
now here's my pride and joy. fellers if that fine waterwoman didn't make your head turn then this one will. this here's "lil' pete" aint he a bad somebit@# just wait till i get the hemi in!!:
<img src=http://img76.photobucket.com/albums/v232/deadelvis/holdon.jpg>