Boy did the Bu Rec blow it again this year. They thought there'd be a wet march/april and so they dumped lots of water out of Folsom Lake.
Guess what, it was a dry couple of months. Result..........LOW WATER...... the likes of which I have never seen in early July here. This is more like a late november water level!!!!! http://www.*** Salmon Falls Bridge... http://www.*** Folsom Point Launch Area http://www.*** Dam http://www.*** Folsom Dam
I just get pissed at the Bu Rec because they constantly miss call on how much to let out when. It'd be one thing if it was a fluke, but it has been a fluke each year that the Lake actually filled!
On the bright side... I met a HB board member out there. Hello Dribble!
Very nice to meet you, sorry we couldn't hang due to the whiney kids in the boat!