It's about time someone put those blowhards in their place. But I'll bet it get's thrown out due to some little known Congressional safeguard those turds tacked on some soybean bill to protect them from being sued.
Well, the suit has already survived one instancve of Murtha's lawyers tryiung to get it slammed by the law that already exists that prevents congressmen from being sued for what they say "while in the performance of their duties".
The judge specifically has concernes over (without the exact quote I could find in short order) just how much leeway you CAN give a lawmaker to make statements and accusations against comon persons without any risk of retribution. Where is the boundary?
Turns out I was a bit innacurate in my initial statements. He did not say it on the floor of congress, he did it in a press conference, and at several interviews shortly afterward. He also stated that the murders would be covered up.
Murtha's big problem is that the soldiers (most so far) have BEEN AQUITTED AND RELEASED. Thus, his accusation was false, and perhaps libelous.
If they were in the midst of being convicted and sentenced, the suit would be without merit, since his statements would be true.
Is that "while in the performance of their duties" as a lawmaker???????