Today my wife came by my shop and took me lunch. We ate at one of our favorite little places in town. It is a small, hole in the wall, Thai restaurant. We know everyone there and eat there at least 3 times a month.
Well, when we walked in there was a group of three kids, probably in their late teens/ early 20s. Scummy looking kids (one of the girls was sitting on her feet with her shoes on the floor) I hate when people do that in a restaurant.
Well anyways, after about 5 mins into our lunch, I see the waitress run out the door. She comes back in to grab another employee to chase after the kids as they did a burn out of the parking lot. Half of the restaurant got up and ran out to the lot to see if they could catch the car or plate #. Nobody got either. The plate on the car was so dirty and too far away by the time anyone could make it outside or close enough to the vehicle.
I felt horrible and it ruined my whole lunch. I hate to see stuff like that happen to people just trying to make a living. Honestly, it wouldn't have been any better if they did it to Cheesecake Factory or some major chain. It is the whole point of steeling from people that work hard to just survive. This little restaurant probably doesn't net 300.00 a day . I can't believe people do that kind of crap.