The 16th ST Mall is typically overwhelmed with homeless people. It's sad to see because it's a nice place and the homeless can really mess it up. Usually the homeless people don't cause many problems but they sit and pan handle and beg and then when you tell them you have no money to give them they give you an attitude like you're a bad evil person because you didn't give them money.
So last night I went on pursuit of dinner. There are lots of good places to eat so I figured I'd go get some grub down on the 16TH ST Mall. As I'm walking down the Mall I notice a homeless guy walking musta been 40 yrs old or so and he slams into this girl who must have been no more then 14 years old then looks down at her and says "Excuse me little Miss Bitch!" Then to top it off He's walking by the Chili's which has an outdoor patio dining area and there were 2 elderly women sitting out on the patio enjoying a nice dinner when he interupts for no apparent reason and starts yelling at them saying things like "**** you white bitches! Don't look at me like that unless you want to get ****ed up!" I had had enough at this point so I told him to kick rocks. Naturally he got deffensive and in my face about it. Fortunately I was able to point out the cops hanging out one block down to get him out of my face before it got physical.
This morning I get to my usual parking space (It's in an area known as Heroin Alley) and doing my usual thing. Listening to the radio and smoking a cig before I head in. I notice a homeless guy aproaching my vehicle so I look away in hopes of detering him from coming over and asking for money. He walks by once without stopping but sure enough he comes back and knocks on my window. To my surprise he doesn't ask for money but instead asks for a cig. This however, is when things get weird. I give the guy a smoke and expect him to be on his way. This is not the case, he stands at my window and trys to spark up conversation and starts bouncing from subject to subject to subject. Time is running short so I get out of my vehicle. Not trusting this guy at this point I grab the knife I keep in my center console and slip it into my pocket. I get out of my truck and set the alarm and then the homeless guy asks me "So how do you feel about Mexico?" I answer "Well it's not my ideal place to live but I enjoy partying there from time to time." He responds "**** that ****in place! Don't say shit like that to me! That place is a disease infested shithole and I am liberal! (While getting into my face and getting very angry)" And continues to go off while in my face. At this point I pulled my knife on him and told him to get lost or I was going to stab him. He took off running.
It was very clear to me that both of these encounters were with homeless people on drugs. Why won't the law just allow us to kill these people and get rid of em? It would be doing us all a favor and saving us all money in the long run. It takes money for them to buy these drugs and they obviously steal that money and beg for it which is not right, it also costs us money to have them incarcerated when they get caught in posession of these drugs. It's a never ending money pit.
My solution. Homelessness is punishable by death. You get 3 months to find yourself a home. If you fail to do so you are executed.
Kill Em ALL!!!