First of all go to your own private clinics. I thought it was just me and the doc...NOOOOO..a 150 year old nurse thats gonna shave Big Jim and the Twins...which as she got closer ended up as Little Jimmy and a very shrivled sack. No need to tape him to my stomach anymore I told them I need allot of meds for my person but they didn't believe me so when he made the first cut I totally felt it...more meds and on we go. He cuts one side and pulls out each line...I swear when he cut them I could feel my eyeballs jerk back into my head. Then he reaches through to the other side and repeats. ties them into knots and carterizes them...(doesn't smell like chicken) Nobody said anything about turning the next day I amd fully marbled...figure, Nice, now their going to fall off. Everything turned out good, and Big Jim and the Twins are still at it 12 years later, amazing even myself sometimes Oh, and when they say their going to be sensitive and not lift anything, they are not kidding. I might suggest 2 small frozen bags of peas. One on you and the other in the freezer getting cold again...
Good Luck,