When I was Sr. at UCSB, I took a class in Militarty Sciences
called " Vietnam Studies " ... Focuses entirly on the US envolvment in the war and surrounding issues. I was disgusted with the course. From the sylabus, it seemed interesting, within the lecturn it was entirely political.
Max Cleland the bitter triple amputee and his book was a centerpiece.
He even came to speak.... its amazing how such a radical can gain such promenece in a sympathy vote that send him to congress and gain influence on the national stage in this day with the election ... ** We'll that's the DNC for ya.... Yes, Its the same folks that gave us Al Shapton, Americas own court clogging Aratfat whom has never had a job - of sorts....
Max Cleland's 'Hanoi Jane' Connection....
The Kerry campaign sent Max Cleland down to President Bush's Texas ranch yesterday to complain about the Swiftvet ad campaign, hoping that Cleland's image as the quintessential Vietnam veteran who sacrificed three limbs in a wartime accident will cause other vets to take notice.
But there's one detail about Cleland that Kerry & Co are hoping nobody notices: The fact that he's been bankrolled over the years by Vietnam veteran Public Enemy No. 1, "Hanoi Jane" Fonda.
A search of Federal Election Commission records available at the "Political Money Line" Web site (www.tray.com) reveals that Fonda funded Cleland's two Senate campaigns, donating $5,400 in 2002 and $2,000 in 1996. There's no indication that Cleland attempted to return the money.
The left-wing actress helped make Kerry an anti-Vietnam war hero, when she poured tens of thousands of dollars into his group, Vietnam Veteran Against the War - and underwrote a VVAW event that solicited fake war crimes testimony that Kerry later cited in his 1971 Senate testimony.
Other Democrats who accepted direct contributions from Fonda include U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton [$5,000 for her 2000 race], Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle [$500 in 2003], Sen. Maria Cantwell [$2,000 for her 2006 re-election bid] and ex-Rep. Cynthia McKinney of Georgia [$250 in 2002].
Since Fonda is now actively backing for Kerry via her "Vagina's Vote" campaign, maybe the next time Kerry ought to send "Hanoi Jane" in person to make his case to Bush.
Editor's note: Source / Newmax