i want to thank all of you that carol and i met,,this was our 1st rally and wont be our last,,,omega im sorry you had a crash off the rock ledge,im glad you came out ok on that deal! everyone was so nice to us and we realy enjoyed hangin out with each of you,,im looking forward to coming down to sommerville sometime and let ya'll show me the ropes down there,,,i'll get my pic's real soon and post for all to see! and Ron be sure and tell Fonda she is a trip i enjoyed yackin with her,,,you are all welcome at my fire anytime!
you know it is getting that time of year when it is not quite so hot at night and I do have a 20' x 10' tent I been meaning to try out. :idea: Texasjet camps down there all the time. it would be cool if we could do a camping/boat trip before the season is up. you and carol are definitley fun to party with thanks again for the bottles of honey :rollside: