There is only one issue in this campaign and that is will you vote for a President that will wage America's war against terroism regardless of his popularity. Or will you vote for demoratic candidate that will turn and run cowardly from the war on terror as he did in Viet Nam!
A VOTE FOR kerry IS A VOTE FOR YOUR OWN DEATH. Anybody who votes for kerry loses the right to shed tears the next time this country is attacked resulting in the death of 3,000 fellow Americans.
You can spred all the bullshit you want and try to pass it off as semi-intelligent elitist leftist stuff, however all right thinking people know your full of horse manure and are only voting for kerry because you hate Republicans and namely this President. Because he stands for every thing American that your party, the left, doesn't stand for!
We know that most of you are just lap dogs of the commie left such as blown 472 is.