I sold my Hondo Flat & built a Revenge (B-Boat).
While my Hondo was a great boat & ran real nice. There is no comparison to the Revenge.
My brother (ColeMan II) runs a TR1. His boat (right now) is faster than my Revenge. We have ran a couple of time & he has not gone by me, Why??. It was lake racing. My Revenge just danced over the rough stuff, While Craig had to lift.
Now, If we were to line up sitting in the water, with flat water, slam into gear & run. He would never see me.
The best description I could give for my Revenge is just plain "FUN". I dig runner bottoms, But I built my Revenge to be a kick ass lake boat. Essentialy if you get some one who stays next you. Just stay in it & look for rough water. :rollside: :rollside:
"Well Said" Morg !!