The week before the dcb reggata on a tuesday or wendsday I was in copper canyon with my family and some friends tied up to a magic boat. It was getting late so I thought my wife and I would go for A ride down lake while it was still light out, my friend took my kids to the nautical cove and I told them that I would meet them there, when I left copper there was a cobra 29 in the back of copper and they also left at around the same time I figured they were thinking alike with it being so nice out, they were heding in the same direction and when we were both on plane very far apart from eachother I was probably doing about 70 with nobody on the lake when I picked it up to about 112 115 around that wide turn left came up on steamboat and asked my wife if she saw the cobra around not as if we were racing but just to make sure the surroundings were clear behind me she said she did'nt see them and "maybe they turned around" so I just stayed at 110 and went pretty far down the lake turned around and on my way back I saw a pontoon towing what I thought was an upside down dinggi cause only the front part was exsposed it looked nothing like any type of ***boat so I went to the nautical to meet my friend JC told him about the ride that there was only the cobra and nobody on the water and that we ran it down pretty far and that I went 115 bla bla that was that. Well I did the rest of my vacation through the week boated and come friday morning I get a call from AJ at savage marine and he asked me if I was running next to a cobra earlier in the week I said yes but April and I put some gas on and cut out and that were going on a ride down lake. "He says they had an accident" "I said oh my gosh are they ok" "he said yes" "I said what about the dog they had" "He said the dog is ok to" but I guess as the conversation went on they thought I saw the accident and left them in the water and just didnt tend to them during there accident they had.
I just want to say to the family that I had no idea that they had an accident and that was there boat being towed by the pontoon, my family and I would never leave someone in need of help if I had known that this happened I would have turned around stoppped to help and do whatever I had to do for there family to help them, I was very far infront and trveling very fast I did not know that this happened and it would take a very cold harted person to leave someone in a bad situation, I nor my family is not that person and I feel terrible about there incident Iam glad they are alive and well I didnt know they were upset at me cause they thought that I left them there. I think the people who know me will explain the type of family we have and that I would never want his to happen to anyone. I hope we can resolve this missunderstanding.