The Nazis and most other major political movements including our own Dems and Repubs got there political tactics from the historical studies of Nicolo Machiavelli. That is why both parties can always find Nazi-like similarities in each others tactics. Hell, stylistically, Al Gores book "Earth in the Balance" is a rip off of Hitler's "Mien Kampf" but that does not make him as evil as Hitler was (even if he is almost a big of a liar).
I'm not any more of a fan of these tactics than Machiavelli was, but I understand that their use has been a fact of life for a very long time now.
This administration has done some things that concern me in re to their honesty and there are things about the "Patriot Act" and the "Dept of Homeland Security" that I definatly don't like. However, the notion that this administration is somehow conspiring to suspend the constitution is flat out paranoid. Even in the unlikely case that the above accusations are true, they are still tame in comparison to what President Woodrow Wilson's administration did to civil rights just before and during our involvement in WWI, yet somehow our democracy survived.