You are so passionate in your posts that I can picture you yelling at the computer as you type out your responses. Then after you post it you sit and stew for 5 or 10 minutes thinking what else you could say. Then you start writing again with that same passion. It's a little consuming isn't it?
By your responses you claim to support Bush for no other reason than "who else is there?" Why would you support a man you don't believe in. You say you are against his amnesty yet still support Wal Mart. You are against abortion yet once the unwanted child is born you want there to be no programs available to help the child. Once it's born it's on it's own.
You are against social programs yet support giving Billions of dollars to Israel.. Isn't that a social program?. Don't you think we could use that money better here at home?
I'm not a fan of the Democrats for many reasons, but I hardly find Bush as some kind of solution.
I don't know where you get all this crap from. If you had read my post (3 or 4 above yours) you'd see I support Bush's agenda in EVERY WAY EXCEPT AMNESTY. How did Wallymart come into this? And the "unwanted" babies? Please point out where I said there should be no programs. Israel? Again, where'd that come from? They are our FRIENDS, OUR ALLIES. What should we do, let them twist in the wind as all their enemies would like? Is that the kind of man you are...walk away from a friend based on the opinions of others?