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Thread: I did it...

  1. #51
    Exactly! The government has enough control over me and I don't need them saying if I can buy gas or not. Because you know it would not stop.... pretty soon, if you have any kind of judgement against you - no gas. There is a gas shortage - you can buy gas on Mondays and Tuesdays if you were born in January. You get the idea...
    I rate the driver's Lic to get gas idea right up there with the electronic device that lets the police stop your car. In theory it's a good idea, but there are just so many ways it can go wrong.
    I kind of get your point.. But if you've done nothing wrong, What are you afraid of?

  2. #52
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    OK, I'm sold. I agree with the idea of a valid DL req'd to buy gasoline. I don't want minors buying gas, I don't want adults that don't have a license to buy gas, and I don't want illegals buying gas either.
    Big Brother, Privacy, Conspiracy Theorist's/Theories, I don't care if Uncle Sam knows that I drink Southern Comfort (valid DL req'd) or if I try to run 87 pump gas in a 11:1 engine (should be req'd to show a valid DL).

  3. #53
    .... pretty soon, if you have any kind of judgement against you - no gas.
    How ****in sweet would that be! Someone doesn't settle their debts... cut the gas. Doesn't pay their child support... cut the gas.
    Geez... the arm it would give our legal system would be frickin phenomenal. There would be an actual fundamental reason to come clean!
    My family had a boat stolen from them, knew who did it and sued him. It was some deadbeat from NorCal named Glen Waley (sp?) back in the early 80's. He sold us the boat, we paid in full for it and then in an agreement to meet us to deliver the pink slip which he was finally producing, he instead went to our house and stole the boat, which he had the title to..
    All lessons learned aside, we went to court and won. They put an injunction on him, and would have probably made life pretty difficult for old Glen if he had gotten pulled over or anything. But, he dropped off the planet essentially, and took our boat with it.
    Being able to cut of that turds gas would have been awesome. Still would be.
    Anyone know Glen? :idea:

  4. #54
    but cant illegals get valid licenses from the DMV no problem?

  5. #55
    Blown 472
    Rather then running your pie holes on here, why dont you tell this to your elected officals??

  6. #56
    My Man's Sportin' Wood
    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    Franklin's Contributions to the Conference on February 17 (III) Fri, Feb 17, 1775
    One of my all time favorite quotes.
    Good ideas, Wes. I wish we could see something like that put to action. I sincerely feel, however, if the laws on the books were enforced though (except the anchor babies amendment), much of the problem would be solved. Jeff had an illegal in his office trying to get a job with a fake DL and SS card. He spent 4 hours on the phone trying to get this guy taken away. Nope, nothing they would do. They'd rather fine the employers and collect the SS without ever having to pay it out. It's all about the money and that is the bottom line. That is why the gov't will NEVER do anything about the issue.

  7. #57
    Why should we stop at gas? Why don't we give the government en even GREATER law enforcement tool by making it so that you have to have a national ID to buy ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING? Simply put, you would need to prove you were a citizen in good standing to engage in any commerce whatsoever.
    Actually, instead of carrying around an ID card you could just get a permanent mark on your body (maybe the forehead, maybe the back of the hand) that proves you're allowed to buy and sell.
    I can't take credit for this idea myself, though, it was in this book I read one time called "Revelations".

  8. #58
    Why should we stop at gas? Why don't we give the government en even GREATER law enforcement tool by making it so that you have to have a national ID to buy ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING? Simply put, you would need to prove you were a citizen in good standing to engage in any commerce whatsoever.
    Actually, instead of carrying around an ID card you could just get a permanent mark on your body (maybe the forehead, maybe the back of the hand) that proves you're allowed to buy and sell.
    I can't take credit for this idea myself, though, it was in this book I read one time called "Revelations".
    Haven't read the book, but the song by Iron Maiden was pretty sweet.

  9. #59
    Rather then running your pie holes on here, why dont you tell this to your elected officals??
    Ever written a letter to one of your reps? I have. I'm guessing if you've sent any correspondence to one of your reps, it was a link to some wild eyed conspiracy website. :notam: But most likely, you haven't and wouldn't know how. Thanks for contributing to the discussion though

  10. #60
    Miss Perfect
    I kind of get your point.. But if you've done nothing wrong, What are you afraid of?
    The jewish did nothing wrong either.... ask them if they should have been afraid.

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