Ok, terror bombing. Go find a set of targeting maps Blown. What you saw of "Shock & Awe" was identical to the First Gulf War, surgical explosive detonations, delivered to exact locations by GUIDED MUNITIONS. Find me 1 instance, 1 SINGLE OCCURENCE of a flight of 3 B-52's carpet bombing an entire 1 mile x 3 mile neighborhood. You won't because it DID NOT HAPPEN. "Terror Bombing" is done from high-altitude, with UNGUIDED MUNITIONS ("dumb"-bombs blown) tossed indiscriminately arround the city. We even have aircraft today blown, capable of (depending on the skills of the pilots) landing UNGUIDED bombs on doorsteps, I've seen the guys do it with F-16's auto-release computers. Got any overhead Sattelite shots of Baghdad to compare to overhead shots of Dresden? Nagassaki? Not AT ALL alike.
So much for the Terror-bombing crap ................ Again, simply didn't occur. Your "professor" is looking more & more like the typical college loon-lib.
What about falluja (sp)