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Thread: Jet Boat Help

  1. #41
    Tore the motor completly down and it looks like the whole motor is wasted. The motor is on its way to a shop in san diego to see if anything is salvagable. The rod went through a water jacket and parts of the piston took out one of the heads as well as spread metal frags all over the engine, and just one more thing to frustrate me further was the oil filter that was just changed was half a turn loose and leaking oil. I did find something interesting though when I pulled the intake manafold off, under the belly of the intake manafold there is a NOS cheater system plumed with all the nosels.
    As far as mobile marine goes, he wont be getting any business references from me!

  2. #42
    Originally posted by wsm9808:
    heck, I would be pissed at the guy you bought it from(he might have known), not the mechanic. Now, if the mechanic had checked it out before you bought it and told you it was all good, well, that might be different.
    It sucks breaking at the lake, but either way, you needed a motor, wheather he found the problem last week or you found it this weekend, it still = $$$. Without an on the water test, I dout many mechanics would have caught that(Did you test drive it before you bought?). I buy cars and boats for a little lot I run on the side, sometimes you get screwed. You just cant catch every problem with every car every time.
    Good luck with your project,I'll bet you will love your boat when you get it working right.
    Your wrong there, a few simple checks and the mechanic would have found a head gastet leaking and it would not have cost me a motor! The boat had sat for over a year and that concerned me, so I took it to mobile marine to go through it and make sure it was tight. I dont know where your getting your motors but where im from a head gastet is alot cheaper than a complete motor!

  3. #43
    I'm not trying to be argumentative, belittle your problem or suggest your point of view is invalid. I'm simply speeking from a differant point of view. I've built engines for a living for 25 years and have seen extensive damage done to engines because people keep driving after a problem starts. When you have a flat, you stop and fix it or it distroys the tire, but when an engine starts to have problems its OK to keep going? Your mechanic might have missed a problem, but your the one that ran it till it broke. Just because some guy puts air in your flat tire and says its OK doesnt mean you will keep driving if it goes flat again 5 miles down the road, does it?
    I'm not picking on you or suggesting anything bad about you, and it sucks what happened to you, and I dont blame you for not wanting to use that mechanic anymore,you have no reason to trust him now. It is just my opinion that it is not the mechanics fault you blew the engine, you knew you still had a problem and kept going, we have all been there, including myself.
    Good luck to you and I hope I have some input that will help you out on some future posts.

  4. #44
    Originally posted by wsm9808:
    I'm not trying to be argumentative, belittle your problem or suggest your point of view is invalid. I'm simply speeking from a differant point of view. I've built engines for a living for 25 years and have seen extensive damage done to engines because people keep driving after a problem starts. When you have a flat, you stop and fix it or it distroys the tire, but when an engine starts to have problems its OK to keep going? Your mechanic might have missed a problem, but your the one that ran it till it broke. Just because some guy puts air in your flat tire and says its OK doesnt mean you will keep driving if it goes flat again 5 miles down the road, does it?
    I'm not picking on you or suggesting anything bad about you, and it sucks what happened to you, and I dont blame you for not wanting to use that mechanic anymore,you have no reason to trust him now. It is just my opinion that it is not the mechanics fault you blew the engine, you knew you still had a problem and kept going, we have all been there, including myself.
    Good luck to you and I hope I have some input that will help you out on some future posts.
    Ok, I take a boat in for work becuase it has a rough idle and not running well, I get the boat back with a rough idle and I am told by shawn to have fun with it for the weekend and to bring it back after and he will fix the idle problem, basicly I was told everything was ok and the idle problem wont hurt the motor. As far as running it till it died the motor is covered and the exhaust runs out the back, I couldnt hear any problems till the boat died. If I had heard something I would have stopped!

  5. #45
    Rubths-Sorry to hear on the problem but he has keeps my $35000.00 flawless with no problems what so ever, this is why he was recommended to you. How many times had you taken the boat out on the lake before you let him work on it?

  6. #46
    Rubths-Sorry to hear on the problem but he has keeps my $35000.00 motor flawless with no problems what so ever, this is why he was recommended to you. How many times had you taken the boat out on the lake before you let him work on it?

  7. #47
    rubths-have you driven a jet boat before? The first jet boat I had I was in the water for a half hour before I hit a wake and caught air, didn't let off in time and over-reved it and through a rod. Very easy to do in a jet boat. Just a thought

  8. #48
    Originally posted by HAVASU DCB:
    rubths-have you driven a jet boat before? The first jet boat I had I was in the water for a half hour before I hit a wake and caught air, didn't let off in time and over-reved it and through a rod. Very easy to do in a jet boat. Just a thought
    Im not saying he isnt a capable mechenic, he just didnt do the job I paid him to do and it cost me a motor. Im an honest guy and if I ****ed up I would be the first to say so but in this case I paid money to make sure the motor was solid and not just change the plugs, oil and check the timing and call it good. This would have been an easy detection for a guy like him if he would have just ran the motor with water circulation though the system. Shawn is a nice guy and a very reputable mechanic with great skills but if he didnt have time to do a good inpection he should have said so and not taken on the job!
    Right now im bumming cuase I had several river trips planned for the next few weeks that I cant make now and im looking for a new motor.

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