hey Busti, Havasu luvr has a really good point, i bought mine for low maintinence, it sits out doors for months before it gets used and i didn't want to put money into it every time that i use it.
but if you ahve regular access to it and keep a routine for upkeep then spend the money on his idea, some of those trailers are super nice!
one bit of advice, i bought mine around this time of the year 2 years ago (during tax season) (trader) and the guy had just bought it 8 months beofre and dumped tons of money on extra's (tool boxes, diamond plate, stainless, rims and tires) and needed to dump it fast for cash (i think i piad $0.55 on the dollar over new and it was better than new withth etoys on it.
my aluminum trailer is loud (but light) and really isn't as suited for lots of overnighters. i bought it lrgaly to store the tous outdoors and still look good when i showed up with them...
good luck and let us knpow how you did...