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Thread: Sen. Zell Miller vs. Matthews

  1. #41
    Havasu Cig
    Keep this kind of talk up... and we are going to have problems Cig!
    I know what you mean, but I am going to go out on a limb here and call myself a soldier... Navy or not. I hate Kerry, but the brown water Navy guys had some real balls. They had to drive lightly armored boats up and down what amounted to ambush central in support of our operations. We take such great pains to never patrol a path that is expected. We never take trails, because they make great ambush spots. These poor bastards KNEW they were sitting ducks for an ambush and did it anyway. I respect most of them.
    Kerry sounds like he was a real tool, but he was a Swift boat guy, and as such I give him more props than a normal turd sitting on a boat out in the Gulf of Tonkin.
    Not taking anything away from anybody that served, simply stating a fact. I agree that being a SEAL is closer to being a soldier than a sailor, but they still probably called you guys sailors. I have plenty of relatives that were in the Navy and they were known as sailors. In the Army we were called soldiers, in the Marines you are a Marine, the Air Force an Airman and so on. Just trying to make a point that everybody seems to refer to all service members as Soldiers. Be proud whatever branch you served.

  2. #42
    ZM is a fricking hipocrit! 2 years ago he was kerry's bud and supported him! WTF happened? How much did ZM get paid for that speech last night? A little over the top for me. Also, he lied his ass off! No credibility from me, but you republicans can go ahead and believe the load of crap coming from the RNC. I've bneen watching and frankly, I'm disappointed - a complete Kerry bashing! Too bad their not focusing on the issues - like the unprovoked war in Iraq, WMD's and oh, BTW, where the hell is Osama? Instead, they must be scared of November's election.
    Give me a break.....
    This guy has got to go. Anybody but Bush.... :yuk:
    If you study so much, you would know Zel was L/Gov for 12 years, won and was elected Gov. for 8 more. He retired and was asked to replace a dem. senator who had died. It was at this point Zel started to learn the diff. between managing goverment (local) and political goverment (Senator). What he started out was being a good Democrat (prior 9/11) what he learned was HIS party was stuffing "do good bills" and squeezing the Rep's to accept them in order to pass the security ammendments required to counter the Terrorism. Zel's point was from the heart of a long term serving Democrate not some political power A/Hole "who sold out his band of brothers" for a political arena. Zel is a John Kennedy Democrat with fiscal responsabilities as I am. Yet that party has allowed itself to keep going to the feel good's like Ted Kennedy who did not have the Balls to get Mary Jo out of the car and left her there to drown & shows up the next day in a $15.00 neck foam brace, saying I don't remember.
    Jimmy Carter (who I Voted For) the one who started this whole "Weak Image of Americans", leaving our Hostages in Iran for 376 days captive. Screwed up the entire Goverment causing massive inflation and 22 percent interest on loans to business and such. Allow's the French trained Mohamid P**Head Accult Leader to go in and take over the goverment of Iran and install the A**wipes we are now fighting "who by the way" may now have nukes.
    I don't remember if that was before or after he gave the Panama Canal "AWAY" to Norrigia who Bush Sr. had to take down for Drugs.
    Oh and let me tell you about our great entertainment People. Linda Ronstat, the Eagles and such. all of them said we had to support our Dem.for Gov. Jerry Brown, people did and ended up with "MOONBEAM" and his L/Gov. was that ass the Gov. the people just RECALLED from california. Linda after dating Moonbeam and not getting enough pickle from Jerry, goe's to the press in Cal. and say's Moonbeam is a FAG. Her words not mine.
    You don't study you just vote a ticket as I did at one time with Jimmie & Moonbeam. Don't even think of reading Tommy Frank's Book, you won't like that Solders truth about todays players and the get it done people who love our freedom and carry his respect.
    You have seen Great Americans UNDER GREAT LEADERSHIP respond to what was a attempt to distroy our entire Goverment in one day- Our White House, the Pentagone, and our Financial Centers the twin Towers. What A Bold Bold Strike! What a Great Great President to Identify and take them down one at a time. Its not over yet. Iran has to be handled with others or they change.
    Sadammmmmmm was caught trying to plot a Kill on our president "George Bush Sr" That alone is cause for war with or without any other reason. I also remember that every Iraq battle posistion we took- had chemical suits in them. Why would Iraq military have such suits unless they thought a need!
    As to Osama- He is a pimp like his GOD- 72 Virgins- "Hay Michal get me 72 more un-touched young girl's for this fine KILLER!
    In L.A. and my book, He is a Pimp. It is a CULT-One that teaches false gods.
    Osama- Dead or Dying in need of fresh blood- Terrorist Camps, Teachers, States, Country's- Osama A Pimp -killing all there youth who follow, taking away each country's future.
    You have seen this country bounce back under Bush in financial & military, while finding and killing those that were behind this. Yet with bush we have been keeping on with the things of every day. Now you want some smuck Kerry to lead us.
    Kerry is a internationalist who faked his injury's of war, caused those caught in prison camp's to listen to the Viet Cong play to the prisoners "Kerry's speach to the Senate" -over & over again. He "Missed" every one of the sessions on terror in the senate, which he was a setting member of. His wife give's thru her foundations $ that go to the bottom of the pits of society.
    Both his wife's were wealthy(clue), Your new second lady married it, she did not make it! She is not a Heinz, She is another Show Girl like Georga that owned the L.A.Rams. His VP came from a poor family made a small fortune in CLASS ACTION Suits. The same thing that is Killing Doctors and the Medical profession today.
    Read before you VOTE & not the Times.

  3. #43
    . If we are to be taxed for these social programs then the administration should be addressing the concerns of the populace regarding these programs.
    It's my understanding that our communities elect officials to run their school systems. There in lies the local corruption that brought your schools down.
    The problem is that the administrators, no matter political afiliation, in these programs have well spent the money on anything but what it's to be spent on. I sell products to schools. You'd be VERY surprised on just how much money is wasted just to make sure they have an inflated budget for the following year. The system was set up for failure due to personal gain.
    Want a perfect example? There are many School superintendents who have their schoolboards in his pocket. In my community the board is blind and does whatever the guy says... to the tune of a high six figure income with a criminal pension plan. Our community just completed it's second highschool. San Diego City School's superintendent makes considerably less when you add the doller per school and responsibility.
    Last year's school budget crisis made bold headlines in our community. San Diego City Schools was going to have to cut several programs and jobs. They did it, too. No single person lost his job though. As a matter of fact, they hired a few more administrative people. What they cust was a portion of the POTENTIAL INFLATED emplyoment positions and program numbers that they have been riding on for YEARS!
    Money is pinched at the bottom because it's over spent at the top. For that our children will suffer.
    One more thing, our So Cal schools really are plagued with the illegal immigrant. Imagine how much better our so cal schools would perform on national tests if the dollars going to illegals went into strenghtening our schools.

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