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Thread: Pre-Election Poll Who's gonna be the Pres??

  1. #21
    NapaBob i forgot to sign the neg. rep. points i gave yuh. have i good one - jas

  2. #22
    NapaBob i forgot to sign the neg. rep. points i gave yuh. have i good one - jas
    Thanks for the heads up.

  3. #23
    A more appropriate selection would have been 'I am not voting'.
    There has been one courageous person that has used the 4th entry. It seems that there is a stigma on the word felon. This does not reflect the fact that when the prison sentence is complete, you have paid your debt to society. That is why the three strikes law works so well in California. It addresses the habitual offender. The pictures of felons must upset you, Patty Hearst was a convicted felon, did she give you any concern? Here is a list of felonies that we can ponder on (see link below). Section 11152, 11153, and 11156 should have deterred you from suggesting that I take Valium. Now you are suggesting that I seek the counsel of a doctor, what is next?
    It’s like the RNC has created a list of words that translate into negative meanings.
    Liberal = bad
    Democrat = bad
    Catholic = bad
    Activist = bad (those judges should take their cues from the attorney general)
    Californians = bad (a state of hot tubers, that damn Taliban from Marin Co.)
    Red Sox = bad (the incumbent will lose the election if the team wins the World Series urban myth)
    Massachusetts = bad
    draft board = bad
    Inform the public = bad
    felon = bad (because the can vote in certain circumstances)
    not being a born again = bad
    supply body armor to our troops = bad
    supply armored vehicles to our troops = bad
    remove pork barrel funding from the Pentagon budget = bad (maybe that’s why our troops don’t have the needed equipment and services that are needed)
    inquiries to your poll = bad
    everyone and everything is a creation of God = bad (only what man has been able to extort from the verbal teachings and write down as their own interpretation is good)
    mickeyfinn, Forkin’Crazy, OGShocker, 1978 Rodgers, Ducatista, and Steve 1, disregarded your initial instructions and posted a reply.
    I will not predict a winner; it is still to close to call. You have tremendous fate for an incumbent president who started out as an Episcopalian, then switched to a Presbyterian, and now is a Methodist taking advantage of the faithful. Talk about flip flopping. What is his next stop, Judaism?
    Sorry again Bob. I didn't suggest you seek a doctor. The subtitle on this forum actually suggest it. But I do think you need a valium. :rollside:

  4. #24
    Steve 1
    9 People voted for the Fraud traitor??? Like what in the hell has he ever DONE besides missing the senate Voting?

  5. #25
    It really doesn't matter, Kerry will be taking California. Besides, why should we let Bush bankrupt the country like his other 2 companies! LOL

  6. #26
    "...[T]hey are ruining this nation as it is now."
    Funny, I don't think this country is "ruined". I think it's a pretty f**king great place to live and credit that to things like free speech and the right to ascribe to any political belief you wish. Democrat. Republican. Libertarian. Reform Party (whatever happened to that bunch?). American Nazi. Communist. Independent. Whatever.

  7. #27
    Steve 1
    It really doesn't matter, Kerry will be taking California. Besides, why should we let Bush bankrupt the country like his other 2 companies! LOL
    Layoff the pipe and come back when you are slightly more coherent.

  8. #28
    Funny, I don't think this country is "ruined". I think it's a pretty f**king great place to live and credit that to things like free speech and the right to ascribe to any political belief you wish. Democrat. Republican. Libertarian. Reform Party (whatever happened to that bunch?). American Nazi. Communist. Independent. Whatever.
    Kahanamoko.....I don't think I have ever seen someone with that many red chicklets. WTF???? Who you pissin off?????? :argue:

  9. #29
    Well...I looks like "W" is winning at least in the HB Starloans poll. I'm sure it will be more of the same when I get home and see the news. Or at least I'll have figured out that most boaters are GWB supporters. :smile:

  10. #30
    Mrs CP 19
    Napa Bob... just a question for you. I seem to hear repeatedly, (including Newsweek and my financial advisor) that the stock market will go to shit if Kerry is elected. Now, if Bush is so bad for the economy, why would this happen? Jill

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