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Thread: More Illegal BS

  1. #1
    Heard this morning that a Coffee Company is So Cal denied Workers Comp claims for an illegal and LOST.
    Apparently the court ruled that the "immigration status" has nothing to do with the fact he hurt his back lifting coffee bags and is entitled to benefits.
    Thats what they get for hiring illegals but that sure sends a scary message..........
    Whats your opinion Mikey?

  2. #2
    Heard this morning that a Coffee Company is So Cal denied Workers Comp claims for an illegal and LOST.
    Apparently the court ruled that the "immigration status" has nothing to do with the fact he hurt his back lifting coffee bags and is entitled to benefits.
    Thats what they get for hiring illegals but that sure sends a scary message..........
    Whats your opinion Mikey?
    If the company hired him and he was injured on the job he should be entitled to workers comp benefits regardless of his immigration status. If the company had a problem with him being illegal they should have never hired him in the first place.
    If the court ruled in favor of the company this would give employers the oppurtunity to hire illegals knowing that in the event of injury on the job they will not have to pay out on workers comp claims.
    The company who tried denying the employees workers comp benefits should be cited for hiring illegal aliens.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Whats your opinion Mikey?
    Fock illegals. Go back home and milk your own country. Those who sympathize with these guys are part of the problem. If someone wants the benefits of working and living in the US, immigrate here LEGALLY.
    The gov is not doing it's job according to LAW.
    Companies can't police it with all the fake paperwork these guys show up with. The gov. is broken in this area and needs an overhaul.
    For more info see sig

  4. #4
    Fock illegals. Go back home and milk your own country. Those who sympathize with these guys are part of the problem. If someone wants the benefits of working and living in the US, immigrate here LEGALLY.
    The gov is not doing it's job according to LAW.
    Companies can't police it with all the fake paperwork these guys show up with. The gov. is broken in this area and needs an overhaul.
    For more info see sig
    If it can not be determined initially that a person is here illegally then why is it that an insurance company can determine at a later point that the person is?
    I hate illegals as much as everyone else. I'd never hire one to begin with so this would never be an issue for me. However, there are many companies who do knowingly hire them and then when they have to pay out for whatever reason it all of the sudden becomes an issue.
    If you don't want to pay up then don't hire the focker in the first place. PROBLEM SOLVED.

  5. #5
    I completely agree with both of you. The company was a coffee maker in Torrance I believe, or something to do with coffee. (I didnt pay much attention once I heard the word coffee :crossx: ) I did find it interesting how they DID have to end up paying even tho they discovered status.

  6. #6
    I think this is a good thing!!. One of the reasons that companies hire illegals is because they are cheap labor and can be used as they see fit. I believe that workers comp insurance specifically EXCLUDES those who are not working legally, so this puts a HUGE burden of risk on companies who hire illegals. Maybe it will help even the playing field and these companies will start considering hiring Legal Americans to avoid the risk of having to pay workers comp benefits out of pocket instead of through insurance premiums.

  7. #7
    I'm actually with Boozer & Rex. He is due the $$$ from his employer because his employer hired him (and likely knew or suspected his status), their mistake, pay the man.
    To back Rex, give him his check in the bus station as he boards his DEPORTATION ride back to ohl-Mehico. He should have managed to come here LEGALLY. F-him.

  8. #8
    Steve 1
    They should hit the company with a fine and Jail time too boot. That would send a message.

  9. #9
    I completely agree with both of you. The company was a coffee maker in Torrance I believe, or something to do with coffee. (I didnt pay much attention once I heard the word coffee :crossx: ) I did find it interesting how they DID have to end up paying even tho they discovered status.
    Yep there goes the insurance rates :yuk:

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